Friday, July 13, 2007

777 Wedding!

Yeah! Finally getting caught up on some things! :)
The wedding I helped shoot in Nashville last week with DJ and Krystal Mann was so much fun!
The couple Beth and Curt were absolutely adorable and during the ceremony I almost choked up a couple times at how they would look at each other! Sooo adorable! They are super genuine people and I seriously loved getting to know them and be a part of their wedding! They had their reception at the very cool Rocketown downtown Nashville. It's a kind of hangout/skate park for teens and college students so it was very hip! To top it off they catered in Baja Burrito and a place like Coldstone creamery! Soooo good! Here is the slideshow! They had some of the most adorable kids at the wedding and I couldn't help but shoot them a ton!! :) Enjoy!


Andrew Barlow said...

Great shots kiddo :P

Krystal Mann :: Mint & Sage said...

Love it! It was so much fun to hang out with. Let's do it again soon!


Sarah Renée said...

Soo cute. It's weird cuz the ceremony part of it seems so classic, but then seeing them at Rocketown was so different! Aw, Nashville... lol

I love the chandelier picture!! :)

|| davidjay || said...

These pictures are amazing!!!


Samantha F. said...

Man, I think (next to Joy's slide show) that was my favorite slide show! What great pictures!

"They had some of the most adorable kids at the wedding and I couldn't help but shoot them a ton!!" Only on a photography blog does the above sentence make sense!! Haha!!

Ginger Murray said...

so pretty!
I love the first one of the bride coming down the aisle. Great choice for B&W.