Monday, October 22, 2007

Jet blue ROCKS!!

I made it back safe Saturday afternoon and am so glad to be home! I had such an AMAZING time out east and didn't want to leave but as always it's good to get back and be productive again! :)
Anyways, I rode Jet blue this past week for the first time and I have to say I'm HIGHLY impressed with them and totally want to fly with them from now on! Unfortunately they are still smaller than Southwest and don't fly everywhere I want to go...but most of the places! And it's sooo inexpensive too!
My first experience with them wasn't the best timing because of the crazy storms in New York and having to sit on the runway for sooo long. They served us so well though and a couple days later I got an email from them apologizing for it(even though it wasn't their fault) and giving me a free round trip voucher!! How awesome is that! You can just tell they don't skimp in things which SO many airlines are known for! I will for sure ride them as much as I can! Plus they are entertaining...with full satellite TV and XM! Plus they give you the best snacks!! I love it! You all should definitely check them out!:)


nikki nicole photography said...

i flew jet blue in may from partnercon and my plane was cancelled and jet blue was so not accomodating...thanks goodness they treated you right!

Amy Martin said...

Love JetBlue! And when they mess up or make mistakes, they make up for it :)

Ginger Murray said...

Hmm! I totally will check them out!

I'm Kristen said...

Ok, you...
You are a brilliant photographer. lets see some pictures! Enough about your means of travel

pictures, PIctures, PICTures, PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES!!!!!


Sarah Barlow said...

I'm stuck at home without a car..and no card reader:( I think I'm going to cry!


I'm Kristen said...

oh no :(
i think i am going to cry too!

kennykimdotcom said...

I agree. I love Jet Blue. Can't beat the Free Direct TV!