Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Eating like a king...I mean a queen...!!

I just dropped KK and her son Troy off at the airport. We had such an awesome week!! So jam packed that I'm sure Katherine will need a vacation after this vacation!! lol!
The day after she got here we found out that she is an INCREDIBLE cook!!! She took over our kitchen and made the most amazing meals the whole week! I woke up every morning to eggs benedict, banana pancakes, etc! Every dinner was different, the best tasting, and very gourmet! Wow!! My mom was trying to talk her into moving here and becoming our chef!! LOL!! Yesterday, KK and I went downtown Chicago to the Four Seasons hotel(my favorite restaurant) for lunch and then did a photoshoot along Michigan Avenue!!! It was such a blast!! Since we're both photographers we never have pictures taken of us so we decided to walk around and just shoot! It was so much fun and I loved watching peoples they've never seen a photoshoot before! hehe! On the way home I took her through our old neighborhood in River Forest, I never realized how much I LOVE that area!! It's sooo amazing!! On the way back KK is like "Sarah, I saw a little Thai place back there!!" She had been telling me all week how amazing Thai food is...and I had never had it, so we stopped by there for dinner, she ordered me Pad Thai noodles. WOW!! Thai food changed my life!! LOL!
We had such an awesome time and if I didn't say this before KK is one of the sweetest people ever! :)
There are so many pictures and slideshows, from shoots that we did, to post that it's going to take a couple different post's to cover it! I gotta catch up!!
Have an awesome day everyone!!


J@KE said...

Hurry up with the other posts then I want to see more of those great shots you keep talking about.

*Like I can talk. Right?*


amynave said...

Oh, I bet you girls had way to much fun together:)

Thai food is one of my favorite types of food:) Glad you were able to experience it:)

P.S> Love your new pictures:)

Jasmine said...

Did KK take your new HOT avatar?! :) Looks like you had a blast! Luck-ey!

Sarah Barlow said...

Thanks guys!

Amy, yeah it was a blast!! We HAVE to get Thai food when you come out here! Or when I go out there:)

Jasmine! Yeah the amazing KK did!:)

amynave said...

Ok Sarah when are we getting together next? Hey, are you coming out to LA Partner Con in September? IF so you should stay at least four days after and me and Janey will take you around SB. KK is going to stay as well.