Thursday, June 15, 2006


My amazing friend Katherine and her son Troy are in town for a week!!!! I'm so excited!! We have had such a blast already and she just came last night!! KK is shooting a wedding with me this weekend up in Michigan which should be so much fun! I met KK on OSP and then in California in Feb. when I was there for Mike Colon's workshop! Even though she is 10 years older than me we still get along like there is no age difference it's awesome!! And she is one of the sweetest people ever!! Last night we walked around our favorite lake, Lake Ellyn, and it was CRAZY!! There were 9 of us walking around at like 10:30 and let's just say that(almost) everyone totally forgot there age, doing cartwheels and playing tag...!! lol!
Maybe someone spiked our water or something...who knows!! lol! Here is the **slideshow** Warning watch at your own risk! LOL!


|| davidjay || said...

Oh KK!!! YEA!!!

I miss you guys!!! Is it snowing out there!!! Whoa!!!

mark said...

that's great!
i wonder what that was in the air being lit up by the flash.
looking forward to the wedding saturday.

JeffersonTodd said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Miss you both!

Tim Co. said...

hey I cant wait to meet kk! tell her hi, she is awesome on the phone and probably even more awesome in person :-) :-)

Shyla said...

What?! KK?! Oooooh I am sooo jealous...
give her a BIIIIIG hug for me... please ?

Sarah Barlow said...

Yeah!! It's a blast! And we miss you all so much too!!

Of course it's snowing here DJ!! It's Chicago!!

....well not really I have no clue why it looks like that!!! Weird!! lol!

amynave said...

KK gets to visit in September:) When are you coming about miss Sarah?????