Friday, February 29, 2008

My hero...Anne with an "e"

"I discovered it's not what the world holds for you, it's what you bring to it."
That's a quote from my all time favorite movies the Anne of Green Gables series! I pretty much scream the whole time because of how much I love it! lol!
I think I see myself in her so much...and I love how much joy she brings into people's lives! No one can hate her! And she is fearless which I know is something that I'm working on becoming more and more...Also, she dreams endlessly and no matter what dream killers come into her life she never let's them get her down!

If you haven't ever seen these movies or haven't seen them in awhile...WATCH THEM!! They will change your life;) hehe! I also read all the books years ago and they are probably the best fiction books anywhere! Check them out!
Have a beautiful day! I love you guys soooo much!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah!

Anne of Green Gables is amazing! What a fearless girl!!


Emma Jean

Natalie Joy said...

AHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M Officially absolutely positively in love with Gilbert Blythe.

Caitlin said...

My sister and I grew up on these movies, and she used a quote from one of the books in her wedding toast at my wedding! Amen to Anne with an "e" being a hero!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Natalie!

My name is Emma Jean. I'm friends with your cousins!! They used to babysit me when I was little. :)

Anyway, I just wanted to say hi, because I think we're around the same age (17), and you just seem really sweet from all of Sarah's pics!

All that to say, if I ever get a chance to meet Sarah, I would love to meet you too! :)

Emma Jean

Anonymous said...

These movies are the best of the best.:) Just thinking about them puts a smile on my face. I always looked forward to seeing them when I was growing up... I'll have to revisit them soon.

Robin Dini Photography said...

oh man, i totally forgot about these movies! thanks for reminding me how great they are. Katherine Hepburn is so amazing in these.

Anonymous said...

Great Movies! I haven't seen them in forever but maybe I should try and re-watch them!

Natalie Joy said...

Hey Emma! Wow that is so awesome!
Yeah, we are around the same age, I'm sixteen but I'm going to be seventeen this year. Aww, thanks!
Oh, I would so love to meet you! That would be amazing!
Hope you have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sarah,
I love the Anne series! I am a redhead w/freckles and the works, and I used to wear my hair in braids. People would stop me at the mall, grocery store, hairdresser, and say - "You look just like that Anne girl! Did you know that?". :) I loved it!

So, all that to say, Sarah Barlow, you are one of the most amazing photographers EVER, and I love your work! Thank you for being so on fire for Christ that you push others to do so through your blog and life.

God bless,
Jean Marie (FL)

Anonymous said...

You are so Anne!! I love, love, love this movie and it's funny you mentioned it because I was just thinking it's been too long since I've watched them.

jamiedelaine said...

I adoreee Anne of Green Gables. I have the first four VHS from way back in the early 90s...(hah!) I think I've seen the two VHS' that come after the original four, and I hear that there is even a 7th and 8th? We'll have to watch a few of her movies this summer, Sarah.

J@KE said...

Well I guess I'm the only guy on here and I was hoping that I wouldn't have to say this but "I love everything chick related!!!" That includes but isn't limited to "Carrots".

Thanks for thinkin' of me when it comes to watching movies.... it's always a blast. Thanks for the wellwishings on my birthday too.

Can't wait for the Continuing Story night!!!


kelly said...

i always say my middle name is anne with an it!

Jennifer Wathen said...

Ah My favorite part is about the dress with the puffed sleaves..... Love that!!!

Katherine said...

I'm Katherine...with an E! lol.

"Would you please call me Cordelia?"

I love love love these movies! I'm with Natalie about Gilbert.

I might just have to role play with my husband and tell him to call me CARROTS and have him rescue me from a sunken boat in an eerie canal!!!

Love you!

jcrew_love said...

Anne of Green Gables and Avonlea are my fav. movies!!!!!!!
I would love to visit Prince of Edward Island someday!!!!

Sarah Barlow said...

YEAH!! You all NEED to watch this movie again! Amazingness!

Jean Marie! Thank you so much!! Isn't it so fun to sort of look like Anne! I love it! :)

Jamie!! We are SO watching the movies over the summer! Oh I can't wait!

OMG...KK I LOVE and miss you too!!

Jennifer! I am TOTALLY with you about visiting Prince Edward Island!!

McPherson said...

I just loaned these movies to my parents last night. They said that their movie rental place doesn't rent them out anymore because they are "too old"

WHATEVER! They are the best! I love the simple, innocent childhood days portrayed there. I admire Anne's imagination and wonder and her stubborn pursuit of not only teaching but taking care of those she loves!

I also leaned how my own ideas of what romance was and what my future would be can get in the way of the picture and story God is paining in my life. Like Anne, it could have been too late if I was not willing to let go of some of my ideas and embrace God's ideas for me.
Some dreams are from Him and were given to be pursued - others that we have are tin trinkets precious to us that we can surrender to Him and that He in turn can turn into GOLD!