Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Podcasts are cool.

My cousins have been doing a reallllly hilarious podcast everyday on the tour that they are on and I just think it is sooooo perfect..and super smart too!! They do a couple videos a day which is brilliant because like a blog people keep coming back for more and now they are HUGE on You Tube like really high in the stats! Incredible!
Anyways....I wanted to post about that...but also...all my pics are on their newest poster which is so exciting!! Here is Becca and Beka introducing the new poster:)

Check out their fun daily podcast on their Myspace or the direct link to You Tube!
I love you all!


Test said...

Oh my goodness, their podcasts CRACK me up! I stumbled upon them about 2 weeks ago and i check everyday!

Gloria said...

I've watched them all!!!
BarlowGirl is my fave band, they crack me up = ]

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah!

LOL!!! I love that video, and all their videos!!!

Beka Hardt is just the most hilarious person EVER!!!!

I love her so much, don't you???

Tell the girls (and Beka!) hi for me next time you see them!! :)


Emma Jean :)

Samantha F. said...

Oooo, Becca reminds me of Natalie! I wonder why? ^_^

I like how silly they are. I like that they are such normal, crazy girls!

Sarah, aaaaaaaaas USUAL your pictures ROCK. Good job! Keep on kicking cans and taking names, girl!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah! As a budding Photographer I am a Huge fan of your work and also a huge fan of your cousins music! Give many tips to Alyssa? I know she is into Photography. God Bless!

Sarah Barlow said...

OMG...Beka Hardt is totally the funniest person ever!! For sure!

Hey Brian!
Thank you sooo much!
Alyssa is awesome at photography already! She doesn't need many tips;)

J@KE said...

My favorite one is the John Cooper singing "Skillet got a valentine from a Barlow Girl" it just totally rocks!!!