Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Lily in Colorado!

I've definitely documented a lot of, my friend Schlyce's, little baby Lily's life!!
She is SOOO adorable and is such a character! Since I stayed with them for a week I was able to get a bunch of lifestyle pics of Lily doing what she does best! So fun!!
I think the funniest part was when Schlyce was looking at some of the pics on the back of the camera and she's like "OH! Lily had her first cookie!" OOps! LOL! Leave it to me!! ha! Well at least her first cookie eating is documented!
Check out the slideshow here!

I feel like I'm working night and day working to get caught up...and AHEAD!! It's pretty exciting....so there are some MIGHTY fun things to post about in the next couple days!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah!! I LOVED the pictures!! They were SO cute!! Her mom must be thrilled with the special memories!! Keep up the awesome work!


Emma Jean :)