Oh man yeah....
Well, it is officially Kristen's 18th birthday and we are livin it large!
First my mom and I sang her a very "nice" happy birthday song and gave her as a gift yogurt and cereal! She was so surprised at how generous we are!Then we decided to play a little photobooth game to show how hot we are! I think it proved our hypothesis right!
First we'll start with our lovely headshots! We got them for our bio pages on our sites! So cute!Now for the face game and our first one is the main reason why we aren't married OR dating anyone right now....this face is our "walking down the aisle" face....so timeless.
This is after the first shocker...
This is our secret agent face..so secretive I know!!
Our "bratty little kids" look...my kids will NEVER look like this;) hehe!
and if they do they will get this face! SCARY!!
Again...another reason why we are dateless...our "seeing a cute guy" face! YIKES! ...poor cute guy:(
The ever so fashionable anorexia look....
Being proposed to....umm..yeah...And finally the drunk look (thankfully it's Kristen's 18th birthday and not her 21st so this is somewhat not real...but who says we have to be drunk to act like it???)
Our stylish hair pose!!!
Ok..so as you can see we were slackers tonight and were sooooo deliriously exhausted from the weekend that we didn't get any work done today...but slideshows are coming in the morning or sometime tomorrow!!! Yeah!!
Kristen is heading back home tomorrow to shoot a wedding this week and then coming back next Sunday and I CAN'T WAIT already!! She is amazing!!(and yes she's sitting right here...) So HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kristen!! I love you Pickle! ;)
I see you respond drastically different to alcohol too! hehehe
Sooo fun! Happy Birthday Kristen!!!!!! How about you stay for part of September so we can all hang out :)
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! You silllly ladies
I was thoroughly entertained.
So judging from the gifts Kristen has gotten so far, a new pair of socks and my last mint should dazzle her, right??
The "coming down the aisle" faces were PRICELESS!
Happy Birthday Kristen!!!
haha! yeah...this was waaay too fun!!
DJ..I'm kinda scared what I would look like with actually having some alcohol in me! hahaha!
Morgan! She will be!! She's staying until the 12th! So we'll have to have some nice big slumber parties!!
Sam..actually I was thinking of giving her underware but thought she might like cereal better...lol! I think she would be so pleased with those gifts because her reaction of the cereal and yogurt was as if she had never seen it before;) HAHAHA!
LOL! These are hysterical!! You guys crack me up!
Good idea!! I should do something like that!
Wow! You girls are just what DJ said! And you're awesome to actually post those amazing pictures. ;)Now I've had my good laugh for the day and I needed it.
I really can't wait to meet you in person Sarah. It's gonna be great. Someday, someday, I'm tellin' ya....
hahhahahahaha wow..
btw. sarah,you may wanna go back to spelling class to learn how to spell underwear (is that some kinda tupperware?) haha
HAPPY BIRTHDAY kristen! wish i was there to celebrate it!
...can almost hear you laughing. ;)
Nat..... First of all be nice to your sister......... Smoe of us hvae sllpineg iseuss... so just deal with it and second your comment made me laugh more than all their pictures combined.... Hope your having fun in the DR.
Sarah I'm not sure all this hanging out with Kristen is good for you....... I hate to be the one to break the news to you but all those pictures of the two of you are............. REALLY BAD!! LOL!!! So where did this side of Sarah come from??? I mean I've been trying to get GOOD shots of you this whole time and you go and post these???? I'm confused but I love the willingness to post silly pictures :-P I think the "drunk" one is my favorite *I'm smiling just thinking about it*
You two are prolly some of the silliest girls in all of Glen Ellyn
Great post!
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