Wednesday, November 21, 2007


The IV cord just came in the mail today so I can live again!!...well actually my power cord for my laptop..but same thing! lol!!
I had NO clue how much I use this thing to live! I was without my laptop for a week and my friends would call asking if I could get together or clients wanting to book things and I couldn't respond cause I had no idea if I could or not! This thing tells me when and where and with who I'm doing things my life pretty much went on hold until I could get the cord! HAHA!! I have ALOT of catching up to do too! Yikes!! But this computer is going back off tonight and not being turned on for a couple I can enjoy the holiday!! :) So that should be nice!
Soooo what are you all doing for Thanksgiving??? We aren't sure yet...all of our family is out of town...but I guess really doing anything with the immediate family is equal to a party with 9 people! HA!! Should be fun!


Vick Prizma Productions said...

Hope u have a nice backup for ur laptop or u will have a big problem if anything happens lol ,

Happy Thanksgiving

Test said...

Love the new look!
Thanksgiving will be nice and relaxing...just 6 adults and three kids!

Where would we be without our laptops ;-)

Happy Thanksgiving!

J@KE said...

so does this mean you'll talk to me again???