I'm addicted. I must a very strong addiction.
I'm am addicted to to do lists! lol! On my Outlook program there is a whole to do section and every little thing I possibly have to do throughout the day, week, month, year, life. I write it down there, with due dates and everything. The very best part is un-checking the red flag and seeing it disappear! It's up there with probably with the accomplishment of running a marathon...or something like that;)
Well...I've been pretty proud of myself lately in that I'm completely finishing my to do lists for the day!
Not leaving anything to be done for the day so I can actually really relax without anything on my plate! It's AMAZING! I think making a to do list and FINISHING it is one of the most important things...probably next to Godliness!..replacing the cleanliness part of course! ha! jk... But it is really so important seeing where you want to go in this life and map it out then break it down...again as I've always said..into baby steps. I have all my baby steps on this to do list and they are literally getting done because I keep it before me ALL the time! Plus they have due dates on that makes things fun!Because I got all my stuff done today I'm literally almost totally caught up business wise and next week really only have fun things planned and friends to meet with! How perfect is that! Today was amazing too with very little work...sleep in, work out for 2 hours, and SHOP! Who could beat that?? haha! The top is a picture from our fun shopping trip with some friends:)
I love you all!!
I agree with you wholeheartedly about the baby steps and also having the stuff in front of you. If you have a to do check box and it never gets checked it never got done...that simple. I'm happy that your business is going well. I wish i lived closer to all you guys up there so i could discuss business and photography sometime, but oh well...Tennessee will do for now! haha. Have a great week, keep up the good work.
Good Times
hahah!! SOO cute!
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