Where's the Panda Express?!!!!
We all headed downtown Chicago yesterday for our first Sarah Anne Photography photoshoot/training session! It was awesome!!! So much fun! We were trying to also do a Simple Photo Minute but it didn't work out that great as you can see here...>SPM that will never be published because..I laugh WAY too much for anything to ever be serious!! haha!!
So the next assistant highlight is Jacob Preedin! Jake actually had his camera surgically attached to his body! LOL!! How I knew that I should bring him on is I always saw him with a camera and once I saw some of his shots I was like "Dude your totally hired!" haha! He is also one of the funniest guys ever!! So he will be the official comedian/2nd shooter at the weddings!! To see some of his shots check out his >Blog<:)
Here is a great pic of Jake that we shot yesterday at the photoshoot:) The guys not only had to work on shooting models but also being in front of the camera too!!
Ha! First post again! LOL...I think J@ke was chimping through the whole video! lol...
You DJ, are now officially nicknamed "FLASH" the fastest poster on the web. lol. :-)
And yes I was chimping throught the whole video...... Is there a problem with chimping Mr. "big chimper". I think I'll reset my name on OSP to "Little Chimper Protege" What do you think???
Can we make it - FL@$H
Hey Beautiful Sarah:) Miss ya!!!!!!
What's the dif????? "FLASH" "THE FLASH" or "FL@$H"
I'm pretty sure that the nickname manule it states.... "the person who is GIVEN the nickname is not allowed to have a say in what the nickname is or isn't"
Are you just trying to make fun of my usage of the "@" symbol...... You wouldn't...... Not THE FALSH!!! LOL!
Haha!!!! Wow!! You guys are hilarious!
Aww!! I miss you sooo much too Amy!!
I think I'm going to buy a plane ticket RIGHT now!!!:) hehe
Hey... I vote for FL@$H!!! It sounds like a name from the Incredibles! lol
Hey Jake... Good thing photography doesn't take spelling skills... lol
I'm just messin' wit ya bro... lol
I could watch SPM of Sarah laughing ALL THE TIME! I miss you Sarah...and your contagious laughter! I'm gonna watch that video again now. :)
Good catch "A". OF corse I ment "FLASH". So I make mistakes too BIG WHOOP!
I'd be down for FL@$H..... and as for being Incredible... Everyone knows that about DJ. It's a perfict fit!!!
Totally gnarly in a David Jay kinda way!
Sarah, God has given you great talent and will bless you immeasurably! It quite a delight to see your work.
HAHA Dan!!!:) Oh!! I should have put on the post that Jake is one of the funnniest people that I've met(besides Dan Watkins;) lol!!!
Thanks so much Jen!! I miss you!!
We need to get together SOON!!
Love ya!!
So funny Sara! Love it!
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