Saturday, April 15, 2006

"So kiss me.."

I just got back from an incredible wedding that we did in Naperville! The couple, Tammy and Gary, is one of our LONG time friends and so AMAZING for each other!! Their story just blows you away! We had a blast and the weather was incredible!! It was supposed to big time rain today...but God is GOOD!!!:)
Here is the **slideshow** from the wedding. The groomsmen were the FUNNEST ever!! We got some of the funniest shots!! Maybe they'll be on my website along with the other new slideshows coming up:)
...oh yeah...sorry for all the song titles...this quote was just sooooo fitting for this wedding!;)


Anonymous said...

Nice slide show Sarah,
Dad Fl@$h

mark said...

haha...go Dad Fl@sh!
great stuff sarah.
next time i'm going to have to say "you know, when you borrow my lens i come with it"
yep i should have said that.
ok well next time....

Shyla said...

awww, I think its so sweet when the groom cries...

Sarah Darling...your so wonderful :)

Sarah Barlow said...

Haha!! Yeah totally Mark!! lol!!
...but you will be coming next time..WITH you lens:)

Shyla you are incredible! And I miss you so much!!:)

J@KE said...

Totally AWESOME time yesterday. can't wait to do it again.


Anonymous said...

Wow!! Awesome slideshow! So cute!!!

Sarah Barlow said...

Yeah!! That was GREAT!!!! How did you like your hazing Jake?? LOL!!
Your definitely part of the club now especially since you want to do it again!!:) Sweet shots BTW!! Can't wait to show Tammy & Gary!

Thanks so much Katrina!! Where were you the other night??

J@KE said...

Hazing????????? What hazing???

If that's what you call hazing....... do you have other clubs I can join??? lol.