Tuesday, April 01, 2008


YUM YUM!!! This is what my lunch looks like today....I don't drink the milk down here because it is freeze dried and not so tasty....but Fruit Loops in a martini glass always makes up for that;)
This has been one of my staples down here! I never even touch the things in the States...but down here they look very appetizing:) ha!


Emily DeWan Photography said...

I think Fruit Loops in a martini glass would make up for almost anything! It looks very tasty.

Natalie Joy said...

omg ewwwwwww!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, come on Natalie! They aren't that bad. :) Sarah, you look so much like Ashley Tisdale in your profile picture!! lol!!

Anonymous said...

WHOOPS!!! Sorry!!! I am not Lauren Barlow.:)

Sarah Barlow said...

HAHA!!! Emma Jean!! How did you accidentally post as Lauren Barlow??? LOL!

Wow! Ashley Tisdale!! I love her so thank you! :)

Mary Marantz said...

hahah you are so adorable!! be safe down there!

love you!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to see what my comment would look like with her name under it, so I pressed preview, but then I accidentally pressed comment. ;)

Anonymous said...

That looks very appetizing! I will have to try that sometime! lol!

Anonymous said...

I meant to say that I pressed PUBLISH, not "comment". :)