THE workshop post!
Spread the Love was pretty much INCREDIBLE! I'm sorry it has almost taken me a full week for a real post but that's how life goes when you have a zillion people living at your house:)Everyone: Justin and Mary(my workshop partners), Shyla(model/assistant during workshop), Andrew Smith(workshop videographer extraodinair), and Abby Smith(workshop attendee/amazing friend).....all arrived on Monday for a fun night of everyones favorite - Oberweis....those that aren't from around here may not know what I'm talking about but it's basically getting ice cream straight from a cow...that's how creamy and fresh it is!! lol! Pretty much changes everyones lives!

(wow this blog is all about food! lol!)

I did 3 talks over the 2 days and I was pretty surprised at how NOT nervous I was! I guess this teaching thing is really growing on me! Now it's a complete blast and I look forward to every new talk which is TOTALLY new to me! :)

We had several different photoshoots which makes it all the more fun for PHOTOGRAPHERS;)
The first shoot though Justin, Mary, and I shot and we had the students only shoot a little bit so that they could watch our style and how we direct and the second shoot the students had their cameras so we could assess how they direct! It was so fun!
The gorgeous Shyla came to help out in any way and to look hot for my family adores her so any excuse to get her out here from Boston we would find it! :)
The oh so hot and spiffy Justin and Mary showing there moves.
My beautiful prairie friend all the way from Oklahoma Abby Smith! She is wonderful and is probably one of the sweetest people I've met.

My "David Beckham Physique" friend Steve who came to model on the second day. He was quite entertaining! He was very much into the shoot which was awesome because he is wanting to be a fashion photographer, model, AND stylist! So he'll be in this arena a lot! :)

We held the workshop at a SWEET studio in Chicago run by David Wittig and Nancy Beale! They are some of the funniest and most generous people! I love it! Here are the two of them....the second picture is an idea Justin had but turned out more hilarious than artful! lol! David and Nancy also were the test couple for mock client meetings that we did....and with every new student there would be a new wedding plan and some of them were HILARIOUS! Including a safari wedding with a grass dress, riding away on a lion, and David falling in love with Nancy after she had shot an elephant...needless to say...I was crying from laugher.
The gorgeous Shyla came to help out in any way and to look hot for my family adores her so any excuse to get her out here from Boston we would find it! :)

We held the workshop at a SWEET studio in Chicago run by David Wittig and Nancy Beale! They are some of the funniest and most generous people! I love it! Here are the two of them....the second picture is an idea Justin had but turned out more hilarious than artful! lol! David and Nancy also were the test couple for mock client meetings that we did....and with every new student there would be a new wedding plan and some of them were HILARIOUS! Including a safari wedding with a grass dress, riding away on a lion, and David falling in love with Nancy after she had shot an elephant...needless to say...I was crying from laugher.
David also did a session for us on being DIFFERENT in the industry! Totally revolutionized my thinking! :)
My sister Natalie came to model on the second day.... she's WAY to much of a natural...It makes me mad;)
Our OHIO friends! These guys were a riot! And so genuine! :)
A group shot at the end of the last day... we totally forgot to take one when everyone was still there! So this is half the group.... but you can see the Ohioan's above:)
YAY!! What an incredible time! The last guests left on Monday which was sad but I know that I'll see them all soon! :) Video from the workshop will be coming soon TOO!! I can't wait to see it all!!

Hope you all have a wonderful night!
Awesome shots!! I LOVE OBERWEISS!!! I miss it sooo much!!! lol!!! :)
Looks like tons of fun! Glad it went so well.
Oh my stars and daughters!!! OBERWEISS?! wow...I'm literally gaining weight just thinking about it! lol
Oh it looks so fun! Glad your having a good time
In Christ
It was so great meeting you & the workshop was awesome! Thank you so much :)
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