Ahhh! Freedom!!
I can breath finally!
It has been insanely non-stop since I got home from the DR... and I just sent out the taxes this afternoon to a huge relief!
I don't know how things can possibly get so busy but they do! Now onto the next project but thankfully it's not as grueling as taxes and emails! It's the Spread the Love workshop!!! Exactly a week from now!! I'm sooo extremely excited about it!!! It's going to be unreal! And the sweet part is all the benefits are going to Habitat for Humanity which is all the better! Training people in photography while providing shelter for people! It's going to be SWEET!Anyways....I just heard that we have two spots open up last minute!!! So get it while you can! Check out the website here - www.spreadtheloveworkshop.com - if you want any details or to sign up!!!
Hope to see you all there!
PS...the above pic is on my sister JuliAnna's birthday a couple days ago!! I made an outfit out of the streamers for a new style I'm designing;)
Your streamer-tie is the bomb. :)
Oh! I wish I could be there! I am sure you will have a marvelous time. You will have to fill us in on how it goes!
PS I love your tie... it rocks.
UGH! Taxes! Thankfully I married a man who already had a CPA...so we don't have to do them!
Cute tie ;-)
sweet!!! I can't wait!!
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