Wednesday, March 19, 2008

YAY! In the Dominican Republic!!

Ahh....I think this is one of my most refreshing trips EVER! I only got in last night and already feel so relaxed and refreshed! I really needed this trip because things have been so incredible busy lately and I just needed some down time!
I'll still be shooting a little bit which is always my excuse for coming down here....but I always stay longer than that takes;) LOTS of fun things planned for the next couple weeks that I'll be posting about!! Right now I'm going to do some more chillin!!
Here is a video of my aunt Annie and I this afternoon!! Ahh! So fun!


Anonymous said...

Sarah! Looks like you're having so much fun! Your aunt is hilarious!! Those coconut bars look tasty! Too bad you can only get them there :( Hehe!! Did I ever mention that you have the BEST laugh?? :)

Keep having a wonderful time!

Emma Jean

Anonymous said...

Great to see the videos! Seems like your having a great time! Keep us posted on the Vacation (if thats what ur doing)

PS: Hows the Mac? I am trying to decide if its worth investing in.

Natalie Joy said...

OMG THAT VIDEO MAKES ME SOOOOOOOOOOO SOOOOOOO MAD AND JEALOUS!!!!!!! UGH! Its first day of spring and its still freezing here and you have a tank top on outside! ugh.


Morgan Matters said...

sarah!!!!!! have sooo much fun!! can we hang out soon, pleeeeeeease :)

Caitlin said...

yeaaahhh... it is supposed to snow here, so please take a minute tomorrow and send some warmth and sunshine back to Illinois, please