Monday, March 24, 2008

The other side of a marathon....

After thinking and debating whether I should run Jarabacoa's "marathon"(really only 7 miles rather than 26.2!) I decided against it to instead riding a motorbike around and taking pictures of all the people we knew who were running! Let me tell you it was MUCH more fun and I'm pretty much addicted to motor-biking now!! I love it! It was slightly freaky now and then with people zooming EVERYWHERE around you and on all sides of the's craziness but it's sweet cause it get's your adrenaline running! :) This was so fun too because again it was SUPER cultural! There was so much to document I think I probably took at least 1000 pics just during the race!

Here is my aunt Annie and I just before the race started...all ready in our gear:)
The little kids had a race too!! Only 3 miles but some of them were sooo little and yet still running! I love it! I'm totally going to have my kids running "marathons" at 3 too!! hehe!

Some of the older kids! I LOVE the kid on the far right...still rocking it even while running!! That's how you should roll!:) lol!

The race started with a HUGE hill that was hard for us to drive up let alone for them to run up!! This here was one of the major things that made me thankful I wasn't running! :)

My adorable cousin Nicole starting out the race!! She was a trooper! :)

And now for the main event! A lot of these people run for the cash prize at the end and if they know they aren't going to win during the race they'll drop out because a lot of them train just for the cash prize..... because sometimes even though it's only like $70 it's a whole months pay! Amazing!

My cool cousin Richard running like he was born doing it!

Some of our friends, Drew and Brody, Drew had the RIGHT idea;)

One of the staff here at the school, Jeff, worn out from the "tough"! He was actually following our fastest runner Sean who ran 7 miles in like 56 minutes, which was amazing!

My face's reflection in the mirror of the motorbike..... my uncle was driving so that I could be the paparazzi on the back;)

This guy just looked like a model so he deserved a niiiiice picture;)

Two of my friends running and as you can see the cars start driving back on the road after about 20 minutes into the race! It's insane!

Nicole and my aunt Annie moving along!! My aunt was there to encourage Nicole along the way and apparently to hold her number too! LOL!

A couple of the fans!!! :)

A random bull on the side of the road......that's comforting....reason #4593 why I was thankful I didn't run! lol!

What do you know! A Pentecostal church...this was out out out in the field so it was so random to see! lol!

EVERYONE was throwing water(from their drainage pipes) on the runners and a lot of them wanted to throw it on me but you just shake your finger and they won't do it:) ha!

Some more spectators in front of their shack...also note the campaign signs!! They are HILARIOUS down here...Apparently instead of Democrat and Republican I've heard it's corrupt vs. less corrupt.... LOL!

Never, ever, ever drink from the "Frio Man" lol! Death in a bottle I tell you! Thankfully I do not know from experience! :)

The cutest Dominican.

Richard about to cross the finish line!

One of my MANY new friends at the finish line....they were all trying to talk to me and apparently instead of saying "I don't speak spanish" I found out later that I was saying "They don't speak spanish" soooo they just went on talking to my blank face! ha! They alll wanted their picture taken too which was!

My friend Erin so excited to cross the line!

Two of my police friends who were taking pictures with this pink flip funny! Although...while they "thought" I wasn't looking got a picture of me which is quite disturbing I!

John, one of the guys from the school was the very last and all along he was right in front of the ambulance(which was the end of the race) the ambulance came in but no John?? We decided to cheer on the ambulance thinking he was in there! lol! He finally ran in about 15 minutes later determined to finish the race without hitching a ride! So hilarious!

And last but not least my cousin Nicole winning second place in her division!!! Posing with the Mayor and all! Sooo awesome!! I'm so proud of her for running AND winning too!! Amazing!

Ok.....time to hit the sack! Sorry for the long post but I decided to switch things up a bit and post individual pics for a change! :) I love you all!!


irene said...

next thing you know .. that photo that the policeman took of you is circulating on facebook ... :)

Thank goodness not a lot of people wore red... that bull would have had a ball of a day!

kennykimdotcom said...

those images are fun! thanks for posting those. looks like you had a blast in DR!

Anonymous said...

great pics sarah! Looks like a ton of fun!

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Nicole!! Congratulations!!

BethLaurren said...

lol! Irene has a great point about the red and the bull......

love you!!

Samantha F. said...

You really communicate "you", your outlook, your personality, your perspective from your pictures Sarah. So cool. Love 'em.

Yaaaaaaaaaay for Nicole!! She rocks!!

I just saw the movie "Enchanted"! *screams with laughter* Danielle and I loved it!!

Can't wait for you to get back girl!

I'm Kristen said...

I drank from the Frio man in Costa Rica.


Anonymous said...

I love the shot of the men in green fatigues taking a picture with a pink phone! Glad you are having a great trip...:)

Sarah Barlow said...

Sam!!...boy you just know how to make someone feel AMAZING with your words!! I miss you!! I'm so excited you saw Enchanted!! Didn't it just change your life?? :)

Kristen! Wow..glad you're still alive! lol!

Enoch Photography said...

These images are so awesome! The cops with pink phones ... Great shot!