Sunday, March 16, 2008

Taking the plunge....

Sorry the video is grainy...but at least it gets the point across!! :)

I love you all so much!!


mark said...

glad you finally got it.

abigail smith said...

That's great! I'm so glad that you got it, now we can video chat sometime!

jamiedelaine said...

Awesome! I would like to buy a Macbook Pro before I leave for Chicago this summer. Or maybe I'll wait until September for University. But I would like to have it for the summer! All I know is that I am DEFINITELY getting a laptop before September. :)

Kevin Keith said...

Never knew you were a PCer Sarah. Good to see that you have seen the light. Once you go Mac you never go back:)

P&J said...

Hi Sarah... I miss ya.

P&J said...

shoot. that was from Joy. Pete's signed in. haha.

Lydia Jane said...

you're adorable. and i'm SO happy you're finally dumping that old piece of junk! hahah. it was cute, but you def deserve better :)

Emily DeWan Photography said...

Hooray! Welcome to the Mac side!