Thursday, March 06, 2008

on the road...

So after 2 gorgeous days of shooting in Vail,Colorado! We left last night for a sweet day in Kansas city, MO and now we are on our way to Kentucky! I haven't had wifi in awhile so i'm posting from my phone just so you all knew that I was still alive! :) I'll post pics from today once I get some service!:)
I love all you beautiful people!!


Kevin Keith said...

You were in KC!? I wish I knew that. It would have been sweet to hookup with you in person. Looks like the Vail wedding was awesome. I love Colorado! So what did you think of Kansas?

I'm Kristen said...

you only love the beautiful people? that's kind of mean.


Unknown said...

DITTO on the wishing we met up in KC.

I was burning highway between Omaha and western KS and was in KC for awhile Weds ...


Sgulde said...

Can't wait to see how the shoot turned out. ;)

Sarah Barlow said...

Hey Kevin! Yeah...we were in KC..only for the day but I loved it! It was so fun! I'm sorry I missed you!

Kristen...yes...I'm very sorry to say..;) LOL!

Hey Karen!! Yes for sure next time!! Let me know if you are in Chicago too! :)