Monday, September 10, 2007

The time of my life!!

Wow! These have definitely been THE days! The past week has been absolutely incredible and some of the most amazing times and yet absolutely some of the most emotionally and physically tiring times!
Kristen just finished her last week here and Morgan started her first! We packed probably about a months worth of work into one week!! Yikes! But it was fun!! There are soooo many things that we did and such fun pics from them that I had to do a little week highlight slideshow!
On Tuesday we went to the gym, then shopping, then to a Barlowgirl cd signing! Then on Thursday we all headed downtown to have our Rotic night!...Romantic - the man = Rotic! LOL! It was one of the most amazing nights ever! We ate in style at the top of the Hancock building then did mini photoshoots around the city including a public bathroom!! hahaha! I think we spent about half an hour in there shooting! We can shoot ANYWHERE! On the way back the car overheated so we had to stop for awhile and got sooooo bored at the gas station that we did a fun photoshoot there too! Here is the incredible slidshow of our week;)

I'm about to leave in a couple hours for LA and Nashville and I'll be gone for 2 weeks which I am SOOOOOO excited about!! I really need a vacation so this should be a blast!
PS...I'll post the slideshow from the wedding we shot last night, tonight:)


rowena said...

hahahaha. i had to look twice to see if you guys were sitting on the bathroom floor in one of the pics. phew! you weren't. your night out looked like a total blast, y'all were too cute! btw, hoping to meet you at PartnerCon! have a safe trip!

BethLaurren said...

Girl...come home. You don't need to go to PartnerCon. I laughed out loud at the photos of you girls at the beginning...those are amazing! lol!

Anonymous said...

You guys are so adorable. Love the slideshow.

Joshua Smith-Cinematographer said...

I never thought I would see one of my best friends in PHOTOS goofing around! You go Brianna Im glad to see you hanging with an amazing person like Sarah!

Ginger Murray said...

Talk about a girls night out!!
Great song choice.
Love the shots by the orangey windows. SO cool!

Katherine said...

AWWW!!!! Sarah...I miss you!!!! Did ya'll go to that same Four Seasons restaurant we went to?