My sad neglected blog...
I'm sorry I have ignored you for so long! LOL!
I just got back yesterday from the longest trip I have been on! A total of 16 days! But let me tell you I needed it! I got so refreshed, have new ideas, connections, and friends that it made for the perfect trip! I went to LA, Santa Barbara, Beverly Hills, Franklin, Nashville and back to Franklin! Being in Tennessee was so much fun because like I said before it's like my second home! I shot a beautiful wedding on Saturday which I'll post about tomorrow, and was able hang out with some of my best friends and family so it was just perfect!
Right now I'm sitting in front of my desk FULL of unopened mail and 100s of emails and to do's to respond to so I'm a little scatterbrained but I'm SO glad to be back home! To see my family was one of the best parts of the whole trip! I really love them so much and even though my sister JuliAnna woke me up this morning at 5am it's still so good to be back!:) I love you all!!
lol...unopened mail yes...welcome to my life!
TC I know what you mean!
Sarah I'm glad your back. Love the pictures.
What was that restaurant we went to? Amazing!
Welcome home! :) Can't wait to see the new wedding. I love Tennessee--Nashville is so beautiful!
Glad you made it home safely. I too love Tennessee, it's one of the most friendliest places in the country!
Thanks guys! I'm sooo glad to be back! Jake..unfortunately I didn't take those pictures or any pictures of my trip! How terrible of a photographer am I!!! haha!
DJ...omg!! Yeah, definitely one of the best restaurants ever! It was called Sambuca:)
Rowena...yeah everyone is so friendly it's just amazing!
YAY for being home! Unopened mail and emails can wait one more day for a girls afternoon in the city. Come know you wanna!! (I'm the worst influence ever...!!)
I'm glad you're home. See you Saturday!
Glad you had a great trip and that you are refreshed. I look forward to seeing your great pictures from the wedding. You do a great job.
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