An incredible day!

Wednesday was an awesome day!! In the afternoon I went to Chicago to meet up with my friend Jessica Claire for lunch...and a little bit of shopping! It was so much fun! Jess is like the best photographer EVER so we had to meet to talk over the details for her doing my wedding...LOL!!!
She's also one of the coolest people so we had a blast!! :)
Wednesday night we headed over to Willow Creek to listen to my cousins(Barlowgirl) do the worship. It was so awesome!
Afterwards we went out to Denny's and hung out. It was so much fun and everytime I'm with them we laugh NON stop!!! It's awesome!!...and painful!! LOL!!!
Here is a little video of their incredible assistant Beka Hardt who is the funniest person in the whole world!!! I would seriously hire her full time just to make me laugh!! It awesome!!!
The second part of the video is this guy that worked at Willow asked the girls to sing a little part of their song...whenever anyone does that Beka makes the situation a ton better by performing an interpretive dance...LOL!!! **Click Here** to watch it:)
That's hilarious! Thanks for the video thing on my phone too (I couldn't figure out how to play it b/c I'm not that tech savvy but I saw the picture!)
Have a great wedding tomorrow! and an awesome vacation!
Thanks DJ!!! :)
...I sent you a video?...must have been one of my brothers or sister hackers...LOL!! There's too many phones in this family!! haha!!
Nice hat! I wonder where it's from...? :)
I still think you should get the matching scarf too!
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