Thursday, October 02, 2008

Down time...

My brother Andrew was just in town for the past week during his fall vacation from school! This was the first time I've had anyone stay at my place and boy was it an adventure! He came in on Monday morning and we were supposed to head out to Chatanooga right after I picked him up...well come to find out my car that was in the shop( for being sideswiped in a parking lot with no one leaving a note!) had to stay in we cancelled that trip to just hang out and get some work done! Later that night as we are about to head to bed everything was working out until I figured out I didn't get the airmattress I was going to borrow because I didn't think I needed it that night! Ahh!!! Well needless to say...I can officially become a missionary I slept on the floor and let my brother sleep in my bed! ha!!! After coming close to running out of water and food...we finally got my car back late Tuesday then rushed over to my aunt and uncle's house for a 20 minute birthday party before I headed to small group then Andrew and I went to Eagle Eye after all that! HA! I guess we just tried to cram everything in that we had wanted to do from the past couple!
Andrew was such a huge help and got internet, networking, and my office area set up! It was such a fun couple days! Here is the both of us at Chicago people MUST eat here at least once a day apparently when we visit...;)
I love how much Andrew is growing up and becoming who God has called him to be!! It is SOOO exciting to watch!!
I love you all! Hope you all are doing well! :)


Odie said...

Actually, us Texans Dig Chick-Fil-A as well. :)

jamiedelaine said...

You two look like twins in that photo; sheesh you look SO much alike!

emma jean said...

Yeah, they totally look like twins.. ha.. :) A 20 minute birthday party?? Wellll.. never heard of that happening before! ;)

Michaela said...

You want to become a missionary? That is very cool because I do too. Where do you want to do mission work?

Tim Co. said...

good times good times :-)

Cait said...

YAY for Chick-fil-A!!! I love the food, and I have some cool people at my Chick-fil-A... :D

Enoch Photography said...

I agree with the 1st reply --- as an orig Texan... Chick-fil-a is part of our DNA... MMMMMM buttery bread with 2 pickles and juicy Chicken... Mmmmm... Sounds like you had a blast w/your bro... //e