Thursday, September 04, 2008

A night to remember....

Actually 2 nights to be exact! The first is this past Sunday night my family and I headed Downtown to see Hillsong United in concert! I went about a year ago when they came last so I was definitely counting down the days to it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life...last year!! Well this year proved to not let me down whatsoever and totally topped last year even more! Even though we were pretty far in the back, just the experience of worshiping with 4500 people for 3 hours straight is unreal! The presence of God was just so strong...I loved it too because even my 10 year old brother John was totally getting into it and said afterwards that he had never experienced God so much like he had before then...and how much he just loved Him! Incredible! I can't wait to get over to Australia someday and actually go to Hillsong church to experience it in it's fulness!! Plus there is just something about Australian accents that I can't shake;) lol! Check out Hillsong United's new album I Heart Revolution and Hillsong's new album: This is our God! HOLY Cow it'll change your life! :) I've been listening to it non-stop for the past week!!
An extra bonus to the night was I saw some of my AMAZING friends/clients there, Jenny and Tony, who I had JUST done their engagement session for the night before and totally didn't know they were coming to the concert! Here's a picture of all of us!

Another night to remember would be TONIGHT! :) Tonight is actually my last night of living at home! Ahhh! Very very weird actually growing up and flying out of the nest but I know it will be INCREDIBLE! Not only for me...but my family as well as all the kids will have to grow up and fill my spot;) It will be awesome! I have everything pretty much packed up...I'm sooooo proud of myself and how little junk I have! It took me about 2 hours to pack today! :) I'm excited for this next adventure and what God has planned! I LOVE you all!!


jamiedelaine said...

you guys are so cute; ridiculous. i heard that was a stinkin' concert. really cool about john too! that's so neat. can't WAIT to hear more of your adventures. :)

emma jean said...

SO cool you got to go to their concert!! I want to see them. My cousin actually worked at the Hillsong church in Australia for a while! I think he was a worship leader, or something along those lines!
That is so wonderful about John!! Good luck on your move, and may God be with you!!!

Sarah Bradshaw said...

Hey! I just want to let you know that I'm praying for and cheering for you as you jump into this grand adventure that God has for you! I'm a 23-year-old photographer, oldest of 9, who moved out 4 years ago to work in Christian ministry, then moved back in a year ago. The transition of moving out can be hard, but is so incredibly good when God's hand is leading and your parents are blessing it.

So cheers to you as you go! Know that I'll be praying for you. And if you ever end up in Washington DC with nothing to do, give me a call. =)

Cait said...

Wow... you're last night is over already. I'm sure it's hard, but I know God will bless you as you're moving on! I am so excited for you and also I am proud of how little junk you have! Go you! Travel safely! Love ya!

Ana Rebeca Contreras said...

I got excited/nervous by just reading this post...I bet your feelings are WAY over mine hahaha
I love you good ok :P

Tony said...

God bless you SARAH ANNE BARLOW! We feel so important that not only were our names on your blog, but the photo as well!!!!! haha...I hope moving into your new place will be smooth. We'll be praying for ya...

BethLaurren said...

I get to be your official send off in Indy :) That makes me insanely happy. Hurry here to Panera so we can start our last girls night downtown - pursing and send off ever :)

Anonymous said...

glad you had fun sarah! God bless you as you move too! I am moving myself in about a week... again... lol. I moved from Rhode Island to New Hampshire... and Now I am moving to a different place in NH.... :-S

Sarah Barlow said...

Hey Sarah!! Wow! Sounds like we have a ton in common! Thank you so much for the encouragement! And same with you any time you are in Nashville let me know!

Tony!! You both are going to be even more popular when I post your guys INCREDIBLE pics!! ;)

Brian! I hope your move went well too! New Hampshire is incredible!