Monday, September 08, 2008

The Ville

Ahhh! I'm finally in my new home in Nashville...and here is the view from my desk!! I made it safely from Indy today after shooting an INCREDIBLE wedding yesterday(post coming soon!!) My friends Sara Harper, Sarah Chellappa, and Amy Connor all welcomed me so much here and helped me move in, shop, and clean! They are incredible! I am still completely freaking out at how incredible this place is...I was pretty much screaming all afternoon I couldn't get over it. God has blessed my socks completely off! I'm heading to bed but I will post more tomorrow because there is just sooo much to talk about!


Anonymous said...

wow! Great view! Looks like a nice place! Did the move so smoothly?!

Bekah said...

Love the view! I'm so glad you love it there!

Ryan and Janie said...

Sarah - it was great to meet you this weekend, and I can't wait to see the pictures from the wedding!! -janie (the bridesmaid with the yellow shoes!)

Anonymous said...

Dang! Sarah! The view is great!
Good to hear that you made it there safely! I guess, I will be stalking your blog to see what's up with you!!! =).

marlene ;=)

jcrew_love said...

Sarah, you finally made it to Nashville!
I'm so excited for you!!!! the view is awesome...
can't wait til I hear more about your new home. :)
wouldn't mind taking a trip to the 'ville with Tony. ;P

|| davidjay || said...

I can't wait to see it!!!!

Anonymous said...

i love the view! congrats on getting moved in safely. have fun in your new home!!!

Ana Rebeca Contreras said...

Great View !!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear how things go from now on :D

emma jean said...

WOW what a view!! You are sooo blessed!! I seriously have to come visit you now :)

Enoch Photography said...

ok... like everyone has said.. Great view... couldn't think of anything sarcastic to say... so you'll get double sarcasm next time. ;-) //enoch

Sgulde said...

So so happy for you. Nashville is amazing - and you are amazing. You are going to blow those folks away. I drop in once a year or so, so let's plan on lunch next time I'm in town. :)

p.s. gorgeous place. ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Congrats... what a great move:)

Jasmine said...

I'm SO incredibly excited for you!! It's going to be awesome!! :)

Bobby Earle said...

I LOVED your place last night. Seriously, coolest place in Nashville!!!


kennykimdotcom said...

Sarah your place looks so cool! I guess I have a place to crash now when I'm in TN! ;-)

Steven Ryne Photography said...

Hey Sarah!!! Thanks for the comment on my blog... and CONGRATULATIONS!!! Finally on the MOVE!!! I hope sarah told you Hi for me, I was talking with her while she was driving to your place to help you move in and all :) I'm so excited, for you, and I too will be taking the BIG JUMP!!! A Jump across approximately 22 states and a BIG Ocean, I think they call it The Pacific!!! Hawaii bound here I come, AUGH!!!

Andrew Barlow said...

A week without blogging?
lame sauce...

Sarah Barlow said...

Thank you all sooo much! The move went incredibly smooth!

Janie! So wonderful meeting you too!! Can't wait for you to see the pics!!

Marlene!! You better not be just stalking my blog but planning a trip down here too;) Love you!!!

Jenny!! YEAH! Let me know any time you both want to come visit!!! That would be a BLAST! :)

Emma! You totally should come sometime!! :) That would be sweet!

Enoch...yeah next post should be pretttty amazing..I'm looking forward to it;) lol!

Sally!! Definitely let me know next time you are in!! I'd love to meet up! Hope your transition has been good too!!

Bobby!! So fun having you and Lindsey over!!! You guys MUST be my neighbors sometime soon:) haha!

Kenny! Heck yeah!! Book a wedding down here or something! That would be a blast!

Steve!! Oh I'm so excited for you too!! Should be a wonderful move!!! We are both INCREDIBLY spoiled aren't we??? ha!

Brad Person said...

Glad to hear you are chasing your dreams in Nashville, Sarah.! Hope they all come true for you :)