Sunday, April 27, 2008

Geeks unite.

What do a group of photographer friends do when they get together to watch a movie??? Geek out on their Macs! LOL! We're hopeless!
We are watching one of my all time favorite movies...Enchanted! It's the most perfect fairy tale movie that I just want to sing and dance to!
I'm SO incredibly blessed with the best friends! Shyla, Steve, Morgan, Abby, and Andrew! Definitely a house full...but what's 5 more when you already have 9! hehe!


mark said...

the macs are taking over!

looks like you need to turn on the auto flip option in photobooth so your pictures aren't backwards.

kennykimdotcom said...

too funny! :) you guys are up to no good! will you be at the seminar tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

YEAH!! Apple rocks!!! :)

Sarah Barlow said...

Ha!! Mark! Leave it to you! I didn't even know I could do that...sweet! I'll have to set that up!

Haha! Kenny! I'm bummed I've missed you the past couple days... AND tomorrow too:( I'm going to be driving all over the world running people to the airport! Can't wait to hear about it though!! :)

Emma Jean...yeah APPLE rules the world!:)

Emily DeWan Photography said...

Hah! My family looks like that when we all get together.

Anonymous said...

What a trip! LOL.. I have yet to see enchanted.. I so need to see it..

Wounderful blog


Daniel J. Watkins said...

Hi Sarah -- how come you are never on OSP anymore??? :( I miss you! Glad you are still surrounding yourself w/ amazing 'togs!


Tim Co. said...

I just saw enchanted on the plane. I cried! I'm not joking lol...

Sarah Barlow said...

Hey Dan!! Oh!! Things have been crazy busy lately....I wish our old group was still on the forums too!! Maybe we should have a old timers OSP or something;) hehe! I hope you are doing amazing!! So awesome to hear from you!

TimCO!! OMG!! That is hilarious! I guess I could see you crying during it! Too funny!!

Morgan Matters said...

I wanna come back :) Movie night again soon-k!? Miss you!!