Friday, December 08, 2006

John Emmanuel's John's turn!! :) He has been begging me for the past week for his photoshoot! He even helped me put the slideshow together and everything!
John is 8 now and it is crazy to think because he was always the baby of the family then 3 years ago Oli showed up then Jules! He has always been my buddy and he loves to just come and sit next to me and talk while I'm working:) I love it! He is definitely the more quiet one in the family(If that is possible! lol!) but he is definitely the most sensitive to peoples needs! It's so great! He loves playing with legos and wants to be a pilot when he grows up! I think he will be an AMAZING pilot because he is very attentive to details!
John I love you!
Here is his **slideshow** Enjoy! He picked out the music too;)


|| davidjay || said...

Big Time!!!

Anonymous said...

Hes soooo cute!! hehe

Shyla said...


more more more!!!

Nattie and Andrew!!! Yay!

J@KE said...

Ok so this is my favorite one yet just because it has my favorite song....... you can't touch this...... I totally was head-bobbin' the whole slideshow. Don't get me wrong the pics are great too but the song makes it!!!

J@KE out. booya...... you can't touch this! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys!
from Johnny

Natalie Joy said...

aww! I love you John:)

Scarlett Lillian // Jacksonville Senior Photographer said...

You just have built in models! how cute!