Friday, November 03, 2006

Roses are red?

Today this guy called with a REALLY strong accent asking me directions to my first I was kinda freaked out..not knowing who it was. Then he said he had flowers to deliver for me!
I have the best assistants in the world! My assistant Jake sent me this AMAZING bouquet as a get well gift! This is seriously the most incredible bouquet I have seen! Especially since it has my favorite flowers in it!! WOW!!!
Thank you again sooo much Jake!! You are as they say....AWESOME!!!!!!! ;)

Well I've had a really great past couple days and am starting to finally get caught up!! YAY!!! I'm so excited! I love you all!!
Oh yeah! - Quote of the day "Jake ROCKS!!!" :)


J@KE said...

I'm glad you like them and I'm truly sorry that that happened to you. I feel blessed to be concidered your friend, let alone being able to assist "the great Sarah Ann Barlow"

Sorry I couldn't give them to you myself. :-(

Bless you and get well soon. :-)


Anonymous said...

those are gorgeous! one of the prettiest bouquets i have seen.

i heard you asked her family what her favorite flowers are. nicely done, nicely done. what a thoughtful friend.


Sarah Renée said...

Those flowers are soooo beautiful!! What a wonderful surprise!