Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Oli

Ok so I guess I'm on a roll here! I did a little photoshoot for my sister Olivia yesterday and she is just so adorable! I'm a little biased but I think she is the cutest 3 year old girl ever! hehe!
I really need to shoot her more often cause she is so stinking photogenic!
She actually JUST got potty trained last week...I think she still liked the attention or something that she might have been lacking since JuliAnna came along...LOL!
She is into everything Hello Kitty and American girl dolls! So precious!
Here is her slideshow **click here**
I love you all!!


|| davidjay || said...

Oli! You are so cute! I miss you!

Anonymous said...

Holy Cats! She looks SO MUCH like Natalie!! That mischievous little smile and the wrinkling nose are carbon copies!

Adorable shots, Sarah. How nice it must be for your parents to have all these slideshows of their kids to watch and enjoy!

Shyla said...

Oli-love... You are my favorite! I agree with Sarah, you are the cutest three yr old EVER ;)

Natalie Joy said...

Sam! lol are u saying i was mischevious when i was three?? :) lol i guess only someone who has known me since i was little would know that;) lol

Shyla said...

Nattie's turn...
Will you do a shoot of her today? :)

Sarah Barlow said...

Shy....she doesn't want a photoshoot. hehe!

Actually John is next.. but I don't know how much I'll be able to shoot the older kids with my lovely leg! LOL
You should come out and shoot Nat!! :)

Natalie Joy said...

shyla-la! I already had a photoshoot this year!!!:) We didn't show u the slideshow when u came here??? Once sar works her way up to me she can just post the slideshow from July!:)plus at that photoshoot kk was in town so she got some awesome shots too!!!
But then again if that would give u a reason to come out here..then I REALLLLLLLYYYY NEEEEEEEEEEEDDDD A PHOTOSHOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) I should book u soon!

Anonymous said...

Natalie! Of COURSE you were mischievous!! If anyone is telling something different, they obviously were hanging around a different girl!

=D I kinda hope Olivia follows in your footsteps. You were INSANELY cute!!

Anonymous said...

Awww Sarah that was the sweetest slide show i have ever seen and that song was so precious! She is such a blessing!!

Shyla said...

You know, Nattie, you could always come out HERE for a photoshoot ;)

But I would equally love to go back to Chicago.. I love it there :)

Sarah Barlow said...

"You know, Nattie, you could always come out HERE for a photoshoot ;)"

Shy...shhhh don't tell Natalie that that's her Christmas present!! ;) hehe!

Sarah Barlow said...

aww!!! Debbie! Yeah...Oli is amazing:)

J@KE said...

I just have to say...... that was the darndest cutest slideshow containing your three-year-old sister I've ever seen!!!

One question...... Was that your dad singing???


Natalie Joy said...

Sar..Whats that ;) for??? you totally told me that you'll give me the Santa Barbara Experience for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So yes Shy..Mark your calendar for sometime in Jan:)!!!!!!:) AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!:)

Sarah Barlow said...

Jake!! Thank you so much! That song is Phil Keaggy!! :)
But my dad sings it alot!

amynave said...

Ok I agree, she 's the cutest three year old I have EVER seen:) I can't wait to meet her:)

Love you guys!!!!!

Scarlett Lillian // Jacksonville Senior Photographer said...

What a perfect song for a cutie pie!