Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Jules

Hey everyone!!
Now that I'm done with the wedding season I decided it was probably time to catch up with shooting my brothers and sisters!! hehe! I've gotten so busy that I haven't even taken the time to shoot them much:(
Last night I got out my camera and took some shots of my baby sister JuliAnna, who is getting soooo big BTW!! I can't believe it!
Being in a really big family has it's pluses like having a zillion different nicknames! Some of JuliAnna's are(I have NO clue how she got some of these...)- Jules, Shuzette, Shuzette Unuf, The Shooze, Shooze de booze!!
She get's so much lovin and her favorite thing to do is listen to the ringtones on the kids cellphones while she's sucking on it. LOL!
Here is a little slideshow of her **click here**
Enjoy and have a great rest of the weekend:)


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! She is so cute! You can really see the love that you have for her. It just comes across in the way you photograph her.

She is going to have a great life, growing up surrounded by love and affection. What a blessed little girl!

Anonymous said...

Oh sarah she is so sweet! I love her and youre right she is getting so big!!!! Thank you so much for lunch today it was so much fun!! We have the best talks! I love you so much!! Give julianna banana a kiss for me!! And oli too!!!

Shyla said...


what a little cuddle bug.

OOOh, do a photoshoot with Nattie next!!

I'm Kristen said...

wow, she is adorable!

Anonymous said...

have i told you about my weird baby mood i'm in? it's weird...i want to cry whenever i see babies. (i don't think i actually want one! maybe i just need to baby-sit.) anyway, cute show. there were tears.

hey, have you sent the disk? if not, maybe i'll just wait till thanksgiving time and pick it up? let me know ASAP.

Tim Co. said...

thats an awesome shot, your family seems SO COOL!

Sarah Barlow said...

Thank you so much guys!! Yeah Jules is getting so big and so adorable!! :)

Joy!! UH OH!!! hehe!!!! Are you going to be able to hold out for that many years?? ;) LOL!
You can come babysit my brothers and sisters anytime you want!

Anonymous said...

Shooze-de-Booze... lol

Natalie Joy said...

unuf! so sweentnesses!! LOL WOW we're weird!!