Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dressed up like eskimos!'s about 27 degrees out right now and this is about the time that I start questioning why I live in!
Yesterday it was about 65, then winter hit! And I guess it's supposed to really snow tonight which will be beautiful:)
I have had a very productive week this week with my best thing being that I got my cast off!!! Yeah! I'm really excited to be able to see my leg again!! lol!
I still have to be on crutches for 4 more weeks but I'm ok with that!
Now that I finally have caught up on most of my work, I got to do a little shopping today with my friend Debbie! Although, we didn't really shop, most of the time we just tried on these crazy eskimo hats and took pictures! Now I get to sit back and read my new book, The Long Tail, and wear my new slipper/socks that I got...on BOTH FEET!!! yeah! :)
I love you all!! Enjoy the...INDOORS!!


Natalie Joy said...

Whoa! dude.
Lets move to California!:)

J@KE said...

count me in, Nat!!!

Snow though it's BEAUTIFUL is what prevents me from making money (installing gutters that is). :-(

On the other hand snow (mixed with the cold temp) is what gives me three months off (approx)!!! :-)

I like where I am even though I'd like to visit other places; I think I'll always concider Chicago my home.


PS love the socks/slippers they are AWESOME!!!!

J@KE said...

to continue the thread from the last post's comment box....

I can see the point that Sam and Sarah have made and as a result am commited to satisfing this "pining" in an effort to save the afore mentioned Barlows from TRYING to knock me down.

If the snow does infact come I'll have some time on my hands and will be able to come over for tea or any other reason that we can think of. :-)


Natalie Joy said...

how about some eggnog chai latte jake? :)
Yeah you definitely gotta come over!!!

J@KE said...

It's starting to snow or sleet or rain or whatever it does in this town so it's looking pretty good.....

I LOVE egg nog chai latte...... When should I come?


Shyla said...

I agree with my Nattie... you need to move to Cali so I can see you always!
That way I can hug you and squeeze you every day!!!

Anonymous said...

Natalie, you don't like the cold???? *shakes head* How shocking!

Sarah, have I got a STORY to tell you!! You'll LOVE it! Haha, I know I did and I LIVED through it!!

Ooo, and I had to make a gingerbread house for class and man, that's so fun! You guys should come over, have hot cocoa, decorate a gingerbread house with us, and have a fire in the fireplace!

Ok, having used up my allotment of exclamation points, I must retire. God bless you all!!

|| davidjay || said...

Yea! That book is gonna rock your world!

|| davidjay || said...

p.s. - don't read it fast...

Natalie Joy said...

Jake come tonight!
And maybe we can go out to starbucks and then a movie????

Sarah Barlow said...

Yes! I agree Jake! You have lost excuses for not coming over so now you must! LOL!!!! sounds like you are asking Jake out on a date? wow! lol! jk!

Shy! I'm soooo out spirit!;) hehe!

Sam! I so can't wait to hear your story! I totally just let us know when we should come over! That sounds like a blast!

DJ! The book has already rocked my world and I've only read the first chapter! WOW! I'm excited!
hehe..ok..I'll slow down cause I would totally finish the book today! hehe!

J@KE said...

Nat, asking me on a date????? Don't be silly she knows she's too "hot-to-trot" for me (besides the fact she is still a minor and 10 years younger than me)

I wish I could make it tonight but I'm serving "the band" tonight and then I'm going to the theater to see The Nativity Story. It'll have to wait 'till tomorrow. ;_( (I'm so not happy to give out this news but we'll do it sooner than later for sure)

J@KE out. booya!

AWESOME!!!!!!! (sorry I just had to put it in there some where)

J@KE said...

I totally love the word booya!


Natalie Joy said...

Me asking Jake on a date!!???!?!!?!?!?! WHAT! lol
First of all He's like 10 years older than me...and put that thought in your head must've been crazzy!! No offense jake! :)
Oh let us know how the Nativity Story is!! We were gonna go see it tonight but then sarah got your hour long message....jk!
Nat out

Natalie Joy said...

ps. what does To-hot-to-trot mean?? ;)

Albumesque said...

That's very exciting that your cast is off:) YAY!!!!!!!!!!

Have fun playing in the snow:)

Love you

Anonymous said...

Natalie! You can't date!! While you are obviously one of the hippest, trendiest young birds ever to squawk or flutter, treasure your youth! (Wasn't there a young woman talking about how being single is ok, just a little while ago??)

Oh wait! You weren't asking him out, were you? You just wanted to mooch an expensive starbucks drink out of him!! =D Ahh, the world makes sense again!

(Just teasing, of course.)

Natalie Joy said...

Dude, I'm 14! not even close to marriage! lol!
Why thank you sam:)
But you can probably cook A TON better than me!!!! oh yeah..I'll bring your recipe tomorrow!:)

Anonymous said...

Good, good! Sounds like a plan! I'll be banging on your door bright and early!!

Natalie Joy said...

hehe! thanks for helping out!
You definitely came bright and early:)
but it was a big help:)

J@KE said...

First, I love that we are using Sarah's blog to have our conversations......

Second, Nat, too-hot-to-trot simply means (or at least I ment it to mean) you are too good for me. ;-)

BTW Sam there's NO way Nat would be able to mooch a starbucks out of me because I'd freely give it.

Anonymous said...

HA!! I laugh because you OBVIOUSLY underestimate the power of Natalie. You poor, poor fellow. *shakes head sadly* She mooches without anyone realizing it because she's so blasted adorable!

Nice try though. =)

(*wink in Natalie's general direction*)

And, yes, I WAS at your house early, Miss Natalie with Boots. Next week, I'll be there earlier if I have to! The goal is getting to church at the time your father set, so I'm thinking about bringing breakfast and disposable plates with me. I'll have to run some food ideas past ya'll.


P.S. I left Oli's carseat on your front porch. Crazy story there, but I'll leave it for another time...

Anonymous said...

Sarah, why isn't David Jay's blog available?

Sarah Barlow said...

His servers are down right now...but his blog is available at

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sarah!!

^_^ =D

Natalie Joy said...

WHAT!! Who said I mooch?!?! lol uh I dont even know what mooching means;)lol!:)

Chef Sam,
Breakfast would be AMAZING!!! especially with you cooking it!:)
my mom said that the eggs you made for her yesterday were great! :)

Jake, Yeah! I love this! WE just keep boosting her comments! Maybe it'll get her to update her blog!!??!:) Jake the boys are saying that Julianna cant wait to see you this afternoon...they said that you make her fall asleep the fastest!!!! :) HAHA!!

WOW! This is a really long post!

Anonymous said...

hehe I love your new slipper/socks!! You can totally pull them off!! I just posted a pic of us in our silly hats. I need to make a slide show which i will hopefully do later!!:) I love you!