Monday, October 23, 2006

YEAH!!!! and ouch...

So I've had a pretty great weekend! I had two huge family photoshoots which went really well and I don't really do family's alot but since they were for friends it was so much fun! On Saturday night we finally got to spend some time with my cousins which was seriously so much fun! We laughed the WHOLE night! I love them so much!
Then last night we were at some friends house for dinner and a whole bunch of us went out to play capture the flag which was so much fun...except I got caught and put in the other teams jail.. While I was in jail one of my friends came and was trying to save me but tripped and ran into me so I fell back on my ankle....OUCH!!
Unfortunately I couldn't get up and everyone thought I was laughing...and saying "My butt!!" But I was actually crying and saying "MY FOOT!!" and yeah...well we found out that my ankle broke in two different places:( Soooo I'm in a forced vacation for the next couple weeks!! HEHE!! Which is actually much needed! I'm feeling a TON better too! Which is awesome! Thank you all for your emails and prayers they have REALLY helped!!! I LOVE you all!! :)
PS..Sorry about not having my site up by yesterday...IT IS BEING RELEASED TONIGHT!!!!!!!! Stay tuned!!


Alison B. said...

Welcome to the Walking (or limping) Wounded Club. Hope you heal up quickly!

Sarah Barlow said...

HAHA!! Wow..this is not a fun club to be a part of...I'm planning on giving my two week resignation in a little bit;) hehe!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah--so sorry to hear you've broken your ankle! My goodness! You don't know me, but I'm so looking forward to meeting you in Chattanooga in 2 weeks. I hope you'll still come down South! I love Christian music and love your sisters' band so much. To know they have a sister photographer is cool--they must love having you in the family. Take care and I offer prayers of comfort and healing.

Be blessed,
Carole Foret

Mike said...

Oh No, I cant believe this! I am thinking I better resign from OSP before I break something not fixable! Seriously, hoping you are up and around and back to normal soon!

Ben Dodds said...

Hey- you haven't posted since you released your new site!!! Awesome work!! I really love all of the new additions...Have fun showing it off!!!


Scarlett Lillian // Jacksonville Senior Photographer said...

Ouch! Hope you feel better!! I loved that get well card slideshow. Are you still goign to be able to make it to OSPSouth?

Sarah Barlow said...

Hey guys!! Thank you so much for all the love!! Yes, I still will be able to make it to OSPS!! And I CAN NOT wait!!! :)

Hey Carole! Thanks so much! Yeah actually the Barlowgirls are my cousins and I'm sooooo proud of them!! They are seriously the best!!

Holritz Photography said...

Oh my goodness! This is completely insane!

Why is everyone getting hurt?!?!


love and prayers for you.

