I LOVE my car!!!
Stats for the past 4 days:
16 hours of driving
60 gigs of pictures
20 hours of shooting
YEAH!!! :)
So my INCREDIBLE friend Shyla came in on Thursday night and we had an amazing NON stop weekend!! We actually never had a down time...except time driving in the car!! lol!! Shyla flew out to hang out for a couple days and to help me shoot the wedding on Saturday! We had so much fun! She is one of the sweetest people I have ever met! And I already totally miss her! :)
Anyways, on Friday night we headed down to Olivet Nazerene University for the Barlowgirl Don't Conform Tour!! It was such an amazing night! Seriously the best concert of theirs I have been too! I have been to a zillion so that is pretty good! :)
Before the girls came on their assitant Beka Hardt had to do the introductions and stuff...but she ran out of things to talk about so she had me be a part of the act...lol!! She introduced me and had me come up on stage and take everyone's picture!! And then they could take a picture of us!! LOL! It was way to funny! I don't know where a picture of us is but here is one of everyone else! At every Barlow family reunion the BEST times is when everyone gathers around with the guitars and sings!! So the girls for the first time at one of their concerts sang one of the songs!! Which just so happened to be my favorite and the one they are totally singing at my wedding! So awesome!
Also, there is a new Barlowgirl member...that is a GUY!!! whoa!!! Yeah! Their tech guy Aaron came up and played drums for one of the songs so Lauren(the real drummer) could actually come out and sing!! I was so excited!! And she did a great job!!
Such an incredible night! Here is the **slideshow**!!!
Love you all! I'll post more from the rest of the weekend tomorrow!
Ps. The other two bands in the slideshow are Matthew West and Downhere!! Check them out!! :)
hours of driving - 16
gigs of pictures - 60
hours of shooting - 20
Amazing pics of BG - Priceless
Seriously awesome job! :D
Great shots sarah! I love Downhere, they are friends of mine! I know they are all having a blast on tour together!
You AND the pics ;)
they look awsome to bad I couldnt go.next time hey what was the song you were playing 4 the slideshow?
Awww!! Thank you DJ!! Wish you could have been there! :)
Sara! No way!! Yeah they TOTALLY rock!!! Seriously!
Thank you Shyla! I miss you so much!
Rebecca!! Yeah it was seriously incredible!! I sooo wanted you to come! The song in the slideshow is Mirror by Barlowgirl but it is the instrumental version:) Love you!
Omg sarah those pics are awesome!!!!!!!!! i had such a fun time at the concert! thanks for letting me tag along!!! lol I love you!!
OMG...at first I read..."Don't ConFIRM Tour"....I was like...huh?
Girl...I'm sooo missing you right now! I am sooo jealous of Shy Shy!!!! Can't wait to see you next month! You're STILL coming to see me in Louisiana right?!
Debbie!! Thanks!! I'm soooo glad you came too!!! It was such a blast! Thanks for keeping me awake on the way home..;) LOL!!!
Haha!! Don't Confirm!! That's hilarious!! I miss you so much too kk!! I was going through my voicemails last night and have one of yours saved and am like "AHH I miss kk so much!!!" Can't wait to see you!! Working out the details right now for next month but it looks pretty promising!! yeah!! :)
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