Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Lookbook!

Back in December my beautiful friend Sierra and I sat down for coffee to catch up and to also talk biz... she was getting ready to put together the second edition of her Nashville fashion magazine The Lookbook... an online and in print magazine feature all the local and international designers and stores with incredible editorial stories throughout. It's genious! I've seen her build this from the ground up, from a simple idea one day last year to now her second publication and SUCH a successful release party as well! We decided to team up during that meeting and I started doing little videos for the lookbook featuring the looks that were IT now as well as being able to advertise in the latest magazine! I was so happily surprised that the ad made the second page too! This was my first advertisement ever so I was prettty excited, especially cause it featured one of my favorite weddings...Kevin & Karen!
So proud of Sierra and all that she has accomplished! Check out her site **HERE** and be inspired!


lyndseyportell said...

Congrats! You totally deserve more credit!

The Lookbook said...

You are so sweet! I can't believe how far everything has come in such a short time. Our coffee dates are so productive :) I am so proud of you miss!