THE interns ::: May 2011
A few weeks ago I hosted an internship in Chicago during Sarah & John's wedding. During the wedding internships I have just two interns only cause bringing more than that to a wedding would be pure insanity! ha! It's also fun being able to really focus then and get a lot more done in a shorter amount of time... plus the girls getting a wedding to ad to their portfolio! This time I already had incredible past intern Megs Colleen scheduled to shoot alongside me for this wedding and it was perfect to have her join in on some of the intern days around a little reunion! The new intern Stephanie was incredible. She got the first day all to her self which always makes things nice and personal & we were able to work on her blog and brand and pinpointing really who she is. Always my favorite day of the internship! After shooting the wedding the next day we did a little engagement shoot for Hillary & Jorge... and the girls got to watch me under pressure at a shoot and a difficult location because of the weather. Quite the learning experience which wasn't part of the plan but worked out great! So happy how this time turned out and ended up with and awesome new friend and being able to reconnect with an old one! Love my job.Stephanie Dougher:
LOVE HER. Steph blew me away in how she picked things up so quickly... during one part of the internships I literally thought I was going to have to ad more to the curriculum cause we were finishing things so quickly... and I usually cover that stuff in 6 days! Crazy! She jumped right into my family life right when she got in and we even had a crazy dance party one night with my sisters friends and she busted out her dance moves... which is a big time requirement of an intern. She had already "passed" the program in my eyes from that moment;) She has such a fun spirit and I love her sense of humor. We would just be in regular convo and then she would say something totally random and keep going with the conversation which then laughing would follow like a minute later. Always the best. She has such a servants heart as well helping wherever she could at the house and even in conversation is filled with such wisdom. All that and her photography is amazinggg too! So I know that this next season of biz is going to be soo great for her! Can't wait to see where she goes!! Megs Colleen: So glad she was able to join in for the wedding and hop on the bio shoot too! She has SUCH a beautiful heart that is so sensitive to peoples needs. I love her so much and am so blessed to call her a friend and graduated intern;)
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