Monday, December 06, 2010

Some testosterone for you.... ::: Favorite things

....if there is not enough in your life or too much...look at this. Some of my fellow photographer friends have done these trips now for the past couple years and it is UNREAL how they document it and the crazzzyyy amazing adventures that they partake in and let you have a say in as well! They are now basking in the crazy Hawaiian rays this week so follow them all at Treat yourself for 10 min.


Shyla Dalirifar said...

Hey, didn't us girls start something like this and then after one trip it fizzled out? Whatever happened to getting together every year?!

I think we should try a little get away again... At least TRY to organize something.

Sarah Barlow said...

I KNOWWW it's true!!! We NEED to get on that! Next stop East Coast???