Can I first just say that I LOVE music videos! Ahh! Especially really well done videos! There is just something so amazing about it...that I really can't explain because I'm pretty much half asleep right now but I just had to post this;)
Abby Smith's brother Andrew just turned me onto this band Mute Math and they are pretty sweet but this music video is just out of this world and completely works with the name of the song: Typical. Pure brilliance!
Check it out here:
I have realized more and more in the past couple weeks how much I HATE the typical and mediocrity. I KNOW we are called to SO much more! It is like nails on a chalk board for me so every sight of it I try to run the opposite way...and lately have seen that I need to bring others with me too but it's not always the easiest task!:)Thank God for patience! And for this song;)
Here are the lyrics...because I just think they are so wonderful(and probably my favorite new song)!
Typical - Mute Math
Come on can’t I dream for one day
There’s nothing that can’t be done
But how long should it take somebody
Before they can be someone
‘Cause I know there’s got to be another level
Somewhere closer to the other side
And I’m feeling like it’s now or never
Can I break the spell of the typical
I’ve lived through my share of misfortune
And I’ve worked in the blazing sun
But how long should it take somebody
Before they can be someone.
Cause I know there’s got to be another level
Somewhere closer to the other side
And I’m feeling like it’s now or never.
Can I break the spell of the typical.
The typical
I’m just the typical
Can I break the spell of the typical
Because it’s dragging me down
I’d like to know about when
When does it all turn around
Thanks for sharing. That's an AWESOME video! Keep going beyond the norm and striving for excellence. You have been called to great things that you can't even fathom!!!! Ephesians 2:10 is for you!
i love MuteMath...
that song is so awesome..and the video is so kool
thanks for posting that
AAHHH I can't believe you've just now heard of mute math! They are awesome too! Ok-that is our next show to go to!!! When you move to nashville we are going to go to shows all the time ok!!!!!!
I love love that music video! They are even more incredible in concert though. You must go!
So that's pretty much a cool but not original video.... I seem to remember Coldplay doing something like that and though Mute Math is doing their original song the idea is cool but already been done. True that not many bands have done this so it's totally awesome and I agree with Lydia that you don't know who Mute Math really is until you see them live!!!!
All I can say about your comment on my blog is..... Do your worst!!! You got nothin' on me....haha!
Just because I'm so iTunes central... for the longest time I only knew about their one self titled album. I never realized that Mute Math has got a bunch of other great songs on a previous EP. You'll love the lyrics on these songs too... fantastic! Make sure you get RESET!!!!
And also... if you haven't already... check out the backgrounds of the lead singer Paul, their drummer Darren, and the old band Earthsuit. Mute Math's lyrics are even better when you know what they believe in!!
Whoa. Now that was a cool video to watch. Thanks for sharing!
Nice post, I had an awesome time with you guys. I was watching some of the footage from our "Photoshop/website design session" it makes for some quite humorous tv. =D
It's crazy around here, (I'm taking my brother to the airport at 3 tomorrow) and I don't know when I'll be able to extract its crazy goodness... lol.
J@ke: The video you're talking about is The Scientist, by Coldplay. Also an amazing song and video.
Great post Sarah! I can't wait until you post the photos from last Sunday! It is pretty crazy around here because Adam is just about to head off to OKC to await his flight at 5 in the morning.
Anyway, I'll be talkin' to you soon!
Jennifer! Thank you so much for the encouragement!!
Sara! Ok..we are SO going to one of there concerts! I'm pretty much extremely excited! YAY!
Brett! Yeah! I totally used to listen to Earthsuit and almost got both of the bands confused! ha!
It for sure improves the listening experience when you know what they are all about! I'll have to check out reset! Thanks for passing that along! :)
Hey Andrew! We had an awesome time with you guys! OH NO!! The black mail video footage of the century! But I can't wait to see it! HA!
What a great band. They have such a unique sound. I also hear that they are great in concert!
Oh and I just started following your blog, so if you haven't heard of them, Anberlin is another amazing band.
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