Saturday, January 12, 2008

The calling of greatness...

I have been, the past couple days, getting caught up with all the things that I have been behind in from over the holidays and it's been wonderful! But I've had this deep feeling of something missing, something more, something bigger than what I'm doing or thinking. I've been praying alot about it, seeking God's direction in exactly what it is! Talking to my dad about it the other day he 1st told me to pick up some books and READ, so I have been devouring the books that he has been giving me. Second he said that it is the calling of greatness, and yet I still have to discover just what that is. Thirdly he said to get my mind off building up my money and exposure and onto others and their needs.
I know that that is a huge area that I MUST focus on in my life more and more. I feel everyday living this life just makes me more and more ME based rather than others based. It's the way this culture is formed. I want to be a part of something far greater than me and building my own self and business up! That is totally not what it is about or ever what I want to be about!
I just watched, tonight, one of my absolutely favorite movies ever and by far THE most inspirational movies. I thought it would give me a boost in this longing feeling of more and it DEFINITELY worked! Ha! The movie is called "Amazing Grace" and it is the story of William Wilberforce the man who spent his whole life working on abolishing slavery in England. He had SUCH a calling from God on his life that no matter how hard he tried to give up, and how many times he failed(he failed every try for 15 years!) he had to accomplish what God had called him to do...and God enabled him to do it! I think one of my most favorite quotes from the movie would be: "We are too young to realize that certain things are impossible - so that we can do them anyway". I have always wanted that stand. To be so ignorant of the impossibility of things that I actually go onto accomplish it! How amazing would that be! William Wilberforce did it!
I HIGHLY recommend this movie you seriously have to check it out because you leave wanting to go and change the world completely...but of course to do that we have to start running and with that...I'll leave you with a last quote from the movie: "Why is it that you only feel the thorns in your feet when you stop running?? Don't slow down!" You MUST keep pressing forward!
I love you all so much!


Anonymous said...

I keep on running yet I look back and find myself on the ground. I pick myself up but find myself stopping in the process.

How can I continue to move forward when I feel as if I'm knocking myself down?

Never seen the movie but I'll check it out and try to remember what your dad said.

Sarah Barlow said...

Hey anonymous!'s always THE hardest when we try on our own to pick ourselves back up! If we depend on God he'll help us up AND clean us off too! :) Then we can keep running! Also, the second key is to NOT look back or down! Keep looking straight ahead and don't let ANYTHING distract you! :)

I'll pray that God gives you wisdom on how to do that!

jamiedelaine said...

I loveddd that movie. I saw it in theatres on vacation. What a great story.

Jenna & Matt Walker said...

sarah - this thread really struck a chord with me...i know that exact tugging feeling and that there is certainly something more you can do with life, in life - than just making money - something that really does change lives. it is like a big pool of energy, confusion, excitement inside of you - but the exact path isn't exactly jumping out. i think you are already on that path - but this is just part of the journey. you are wise beyond your years and kind beyond belief - I have no doubt that you will create positive change in the lives of many!

can't wait to see you soon!

Amy Martin said...

Great post, Sarah!

Eric McCarty said...

"This ain't my American dream
I want to live and die for bigger things
I'm tired of fighting for just me
This ain't my American dream"

can't help but sing it, can ya?

Rebekah said...

great thoughts, sarah! and it just echoes my resolution for '08. focus. not so much on myself but on others and how i can be a light. thanks for the reminder! :)

jcrew_love said...

Your post and comments reminded me of
Hebrews 12:2

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

Like I have said earlier, I love your photographs..
and how you express your thoughts freely on your blog. If you get a chance, can you get back to my email? Thanks! :o) -Jenny

Test said...

You have a very wise father!

Sarah Barlow said...

Jenna! Oh! Thank you so much for the encouragement!:) We WILL be making a positive change next week for sure!! Seriously can't wait!
Love you!

Anonymous said...

More 'Amazing Grace' quotes here:

Mike said...

Liana and I saw part of that movie while we were on our cruise. Now I feel I need to go get it and watch it all the way through.

I've been struggling lately with trying to find God's purpose for me in this life. I recently picked up Max Lucado's book 'Cure for the Common Life', which has been great so far. I'd love to see some of the book titles that your father suggested for you.


Sarah Barlow said...

Hey Mike! Thanks for the comment!
Oh..yes you HAVE to finish watching the movie! I've seen it twice now and each time it is more inspiring!

Thankfully God has put something incredible into you that NO ONE else can accomplish! And finding that out..though it might be hard is so worth it!
My dad recommended alot of different books in a bunch of different areas..but the one that I read was "The unbeatable spirit of faith" by Gloria Copeland. Also, my absolute FAVORITE book of all times about finding your vision and purpose is The principles and power of Vision by Dr. Myles Munroe! Check it out! :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I hear you on this.
I feel like I am doing this all the time. Searching, seeking out, and yet I always feel like God wants me to be a Photographer, but that there is something MORE...a higher calling.

I watched Amazing Grace and then felt so inspired after wards too. I love it when movies do that to mee!

Great post! I look forwards to seeing where you go! And the paths you take to get there
-Melissa E Earle