Saturday, May 12, 2007


Whew!! Well this just might be the longest time that I've neglected this blog!! haha!
This week was amazing but flew by super fast! We woke up every morning at about 6 and usually didn't go to sleep until 1am sooo I've pretty much slept all day today, that's how crazy it was!
We had Pictage's PartnerCon at the beginning of the week which is always so great! Every time I meet so many wonderful people and get to build awesome relationships with them! Although one of the sad parts is that alot of my closest friends live ALLL over the country now!
After PartnerCon my friend DJ came and stayed over at our house...although, he comes so often that we caught him calling it his house;) haha! We all went to this wonderful conference yesterday called Maximum Impact, with big leaders teaching like: John Maxwell, Tim Sanders, Terry Bradshaw, etc. It was amazing and I'm so pumped to get moving on some things! Yesterday, was my dad's birthday and I'll post some pics tomorrow from that!! Now off to go midnight shopping for my dad's belated birthday present and a mother's day gift!! ahh!! haha!! Have an awesome weekend!
PS. The first picture(taken by Carol Foret) is my friend Jessica Claire, my brother Andrew and I. Second(Taken by DJ) is our pajama party with my friend Amy and sister Natalie. The last one I stole off my friend JT's blog who also came to the Maximum Impact conference:)


|| davidjay || said...

Yea for Pajama parties!

mark said...

whoops, i forgot tomorrow is mothers day, i guess i need to make a card tonight.

Natalie Joy said...

lol especially pink flamingo pajama parties;)

Carole Foret said...

Sarah, it was so nice getting to hang out with you at Partnercon. Glad you liked the snapshot of you guys--y'all are so cute. Hope to see you some time soon. Rmemember to let me know when you might be down in Nashville!


Mary Marantz said...

Hey Sarah!

It was so great meeting you guys! Now I just wanna know how I can get myself invited to Hotel Barlow! :)


Sarah Renée said...

Sounds like you've had quite the eventful week! It was nice to read the other posts on here and see "ya'll" typed up! :) Can't wait to see you tomorrow! :-D First time in...........?? At least a month?

Sarah Barlow said...

Carol! Yeah I love the pic!! :) So great seeing you!

Mary! You and Justin can come stay at our house anytime!! It's always open!! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know whether or not you read my comment on the post for your mom's birthday, but I sent an email to you a couple weeks ago and I am not sure if you received it. Can you please check it? I understand that you've been busy. So don't feel pressured.
God bless!


Sarah Barlow said...

Hey Siedah!
I'm so sorry about that! Life's been crazy:)
I just responded last night so I hope you got it otherwise I can send it again! :)

Anonymous said...

*SMACK SELF IN HEAD* I got it! lol! right after i did that I saw it. :)

J@KE said...

I'm just wondering why I didn't comment on this post???? I read it but didn't say anything....... What's up with that???


amynave said...

YAY YAY YAY for Pajama parties, I agree:)

Girl I miss you all soooooo much. Thank you again and again for everything. Tell your dad happy birthday for me. Also, tell your mom happy mothersday. I mean, happy belated mothersday:)

So, when are you coming to SB? To live that is:P
Love you very much!!!!!!


Sofia Negron Photography said...

Had a blast in Chicago with you girls! I wish I could have made it back Wednesday night....

Wish your mom a happy belated mothers day! I commend her and think she is just awesome to have all of you and doing such a great job.

Come visit in Philly anytime!!