Dominican Republic trip #4!
Wow. I CAN NOT believe this is my 4th trip down here to the DR! I definitely fall more in love with place each time I come down! I honestly want to own a place here someday! It's just the perfect mix of beauty, culture, and "roughing it"! Ah. There is not enough I can say about it that I haven't already said before. Each year I've come for a longer and longer time. 1 week, 10 days, 3 this time back to the shortest I've come for....just a week! I didn't realize how much my schedule had filled up when we were planning this so this was the only window that I could do it but I'm SO glad we were able to work it out!
-Some of you may not no why I'm here or are recent blog readers but the reason I come down here is my aunt and uncle run an incredible school here in Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic for teenagers from the US who are dealing with hard issues and provide counseling and healing for them. I get to come down every year to shoot senior pictures for them and LOVE it!-
I'm coming down at NOT the most opportune time as there have just been a bunch of layoffs at the school, one of the old students who I had shot last year's senior pictures for just got in a horrible car accident and was killed, and my cousin was just in a motorcycle accident and broke his leg in two places!!
Complete and utter craziness, but I really feel like I am supposed to be down here right here right now to be able to support my aunt and uncle and the old student's girlfriend, Alicia, who is one of my dear friends and just came down here to recuperate after the tragic accident last week... plus I get to room with her!

I have never dealt with horrible loss like these have and I don't know how to comfort them like they probably need... but to be able to just be down here and to at least bring a little joy in the bleakness is I think why I'm here! :) I'm here until Tuesday and have 14 senior shoots to do, 5 family shoots, and all the yearbook photos to do! I'm excited to be able to be part of the ministry year after year and to see all they do to help these teenagers down here with the direction and support that they need! I hope you all are having a beautiful day! I'll post more pics soon...but right now I'll leave you with one that Alicia and I did to my cousin Richard to brighten his day...I'm not sure it did the job or not...but it made us laugh;)
Sounds like an incredible opportunity. I'll be praying for you, that God gives you the wisdom and insight on how best to be an encouragement :-)
wow, sounds like tons of fun and good opportunities!! Be blessed, Sarah!! happy posting!
That's soooo cool!! ... wooow! it was a flash trip, 'cause you had and will have a tight schedule... and when i read it in facebook i thoght "no way, i'm wrong" ...
I'm glad that God sent you there to give joy and strength to your family and friends over there!!! (besides to help and to work hard)
If you need some help "in spanish" you know that i'm here and will be my pleasure to help you! ;)
Love you!
Please tell your aunt, uncle and cousings: les envĂo muchas bendiciones, besos y abrazos desde Argentina.... Juan 14:27
hahahha I'm like WAIT hold on a sec. nicole didnt break her leg...richard did. hahaha you guys painted his toenails!!! HAHAHAH sooooo funny :)
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