Monday, December 24, 2007

Family Time

Ahh! I finally got some time to put together the different video and pics from our trip to the Wisconsin Dells! It was SO much fun and it was wonderful just chilling! I do have to say though...we are already talking about family reunions because trying to get 9 people anywhere at a decent time in pretty much a miracle in itself...we have been doing smaller vacations at different times rather than the whole clan because there are soooo many different interests and places to go to! But I'm glad we were all able to go out and have fun together for a little bit...even though the scene may look like a scene from Survivor most of the time..haha!
One of the nights we were there my mom had us make children's books because they are SO stinking could just be a word on each page and a colorful picture and the kid would think it is a NY times bestseller! lol! You'll see my book(in which I was trying to give my mom a subliminal message with;) in this slideshow as well some other highlights!

We also got a lot of fun video like last time so here are some of the highlights from that too!

I hope you are all having a WONDERFUL Christmas Eve! I finally finished my Christmas shopping yesterday(which is a miracle because I only started on Saturday!) and now for some MAJOR wrapping presents time! :)
I'll post more tomorrow about my thoughts on Christmas...but until then...ciao!:)


I'm Kristen said...

i wanna write a kids book!

I'm Kristen said...

oh, merry christmas!

I'm Kristen said...

and since i forgot to send your present

I'm Kristen said...

getting a whole bunch of comments is going to be part of your present!!!

I'm Kristen said...

cause i know you love comments :)

I'm Kristen said...

(i hope you weren't let down seeing that it was just me, not seven different people... wups)

I'm Kristen said...

but i just love you so much, that i had to =)

Andrew Barlow said...

Dude, that video totally ripped my flipper. If you know what I mean... Gnarly...

Wow. It's been a long day, so yea, I am not responsible for anything that I have type herebefore-ed. I dont think thats a word either, but who cares? I mean, after all it IS new years eve... oh wait, its not. its Christmas eve... wait... whats that I hear? its footsteps on the roof!!!!!!
OH SNAPPP!!!! WE DONT HAVE A FIREPLACE!!!!!!!! shoot, I'll have to let him in the front door, hold on...................................................
ok back, sorry false alarm, it was actually the neighbor from 3 doors down who got an early christmas present of a spiderman mask, so he actually thought he was spider man and tried to jump from roof to roof... needless to say, well... I can at least use the mask. I mean, he wont be needing it anymore.
I tried to tell him that 72 year old men shouldn't be jumping from roof to roof... but NOOO...
Maybe I should call this one in.
Who knows...
hehe well so much for my late night ramblings. ;)
Peace out :P

Lydia Jane said...

Merry Christmas, Saraaahhh!! :)

BethLaurren said...

yay!!! that looked like so much fun!

Merry day after Christmas missy!

J@KE said...

Happy Birthday Nat!!!!


Samantha F. said...

*rubs eyes* Does anyone else see a cra-ZAY-zee comment from Andrew on here??? Maybe I'm over-tired...

Sarah!! Such a COOL video!! I LOOOOVED it! Jules gets cuter and cuter and cuter... She's in danger of being eaten.

Stacy Cross said...

You guys are the cutest thing to ever happen. :)

Anonymous said...

My sister gave me your blog address, because she knows that I love photography and I must say that I LOVE it! All of your pictures inspire me so much!
I had a few questions though and was wondering if you could answer them for me?? :)
First) What kind of camera do you have
second) What editing program do you have
that's all!
I just was curious and wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog!
In Christ,

Anonymous said...

your video is soooo cute !! same with the slideshow!!