Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jazz & Marisha

If ever two people were more like me than Jazz and Marisha I would seriously question it...I don't know if that could be possible. These two have been my daily companions for the past half year or so...and I love them sooooo crazily it's not even right. We've laughed until we cried, cried until we laughed and everything in between. They are dedicated too as they come and hang out almost everyday and live half an hour away! Unreal. I am sooo blessed that God brought people like them into my life, cause after living on my own for a good year I needed a good "Nashville Family" that we could grow and learn together. They were God's pick for me....and I couldn't be more thankful.
Plus all that, they are rediculously they're fun to take pictures of too;) They offered to model for this past internship...and boy did we have fun as you'll see. Love you all!!


jill said...

love this post... love these girls!!

Chaucee said...

What amazing photographs! I love how the last part is totally different from the first. Great job : ) I just left Nashville after living there for 6 months and these remind of the south : )

maggie said...

LOVE!!! These are fantastic Sarah ;)

Anonymous said...

So do you get together with them like everyday? why? not in a bad way, i'm just wondering what you do! lol are they photographers or something too?


Kaycee Lee said...

wow, these pictures are awesome!

Cat Watson said...

I LOVE these. So simple, but so creative, totally just opened my eyes that I need to be thinking more outside the box!

Jazz said...

we made the blog.. i guess we really are your friends.. love it!!! and I love you!!! Thanks for letting me paint your face Marisha!!! And thank you Sarah Barlow for being an amazing photographer!

AbraMichelle said...

AWESOME!! What fun. Having gorgeous friends for models is always fun. Especially when they are willing to experiment. ;)

Kelli Trontell {Photography} said...

Stop it.
These are gorgeous.

...& you of course. xo