Friday, July 29, 2011

Liz & Kris ::: Engagements

Earlier this month I met up with my amazinggg friends Liz & Kris for some pics! I love these two so so much! I met both about a year after moving here to Nashville...liz and I were practically neighbors so we would hang almost 24/7 making breakfast together, working out, having home church together, laying out..just everything. I LOVE her. After a bit her and Kris started working together and ended up starting an incredible salon, Yellow House, together here in town and the rest is history! They're getting married in October and I couldn't be more happy for them. They absolutely complete each other. And whenever I'm around the two of them my side always hurts by the end from laughing so hard...always the best kind of friends:) Check out their pics!! They're just slightttly good looking too;)

1 comment:

Marissa said...

gorgeous photos!! they are a beautiful couple! :)