Friday, September 18, 2009

Amanda & Robert ::: Wedding

This past weekend I headed out to Sacramento to shoot Amanda and Robert's UHHHHMAZING wedding! I was seriously blown away by everything! First off...the two of them are amazing and make you feel like another part of the family... they are so welcoming and down to earth! Amanda even let me use her car the entire time I was sweet! The love that these two have for each other is wonderful to see too! Once getting away from all the craziness near the end of the day and doing some pics of just the two of them...the way that they would look at each other just made you melt! :) I'm so excited for their future together!
The second thing that made this time amazing was the family! I'm friends with Amanda's brother Aaron as he is a tech for my cousin's band and we've toured together but I had never met his family...and wow. They were precious! Having 5 kids and home businesses plus big age differences in the kids made me feel right at home! The two youngest even wanted to hang out with Cassidy and I after the wedding! Too cute! At the reception the whole family even did a song for Amanda: "So long farewell" from Sound of Music! Hilarious!!!!
3rd awesome thing from the wedding: the LOCATION! Ohhh my goodness! Cassidy and I were litterally screaming most of the time on the way to the place as the pear ochards and rivers were overwhelmingly beautiful...but once we drove up I almost had to stop the car cause I thought I was going to run into something out of excitement! It was the Grand Island Mansion and I definitely could of shot there the rest of my life...or at least for the next week....;) hahah! Amazing! Wellllll enough of the talk! Check out the pics....and the **SLIDESHOW HERE** I threw in a few of Cassidy's pics into the show of the groomsmen! She is AWESOME!


Cait said...

Wow. That's a big bridal party! Love the one by the fountain!

The Quilt Shoppe said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!


gail said...

What a beautiful wedding! Great photos.

Lisa McDonald said...

very pretty!

Joyce Lucas said...

We need more..more..more! They are just gorgeous

Anonymous said...

Really beautiful pictures! Love the one with the fountain.

Patricia said...

Just beautiful, looks like the beginning of happily everafter. That photo by the fountain just melted my heart, the love is just out there.
Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findngs

Dianne Long said...

WOW doesn't even touch how blown away I am with these images! All I can say is I hope you are available when my children get married! Some of the moments you captured were truly magical. I love the photo of the bride and groom about to kiss and the sunlight sparkling through where their mouths meet. Perfect!

Toni Moore said...

WOW...that's all I can say...

Unknown said...

Wow, what an amazing place!!! love these shots

Francis Bell said...

WOW-Cool post!!! I really enjoyed the pictures-thanks for brightening my day! Francis

V and Co. said...


Anonymous said...

This is amazing and beautiful!!
Would you consider answering a few questions about what its like to travel and photogrpahy for my Girls' Travel Guide??