Sunday, March 08, 2009

Happy New Day!

We go out and buy food, cool new outfits, fireworks and write crazy resolutions to ring in the new year every year...sometimes we get away for a retreat every couple months to get away and get direction for life...sometimes even at the beginning of the week we take a couple hours with some coffee and map out the week...and where we want it to go. often at the beginning of each day do we have a vision or wish for the day?? Someone that we want to help? Something to give away? A new hill climbed? I LOVE making those big grand goals for the year, month, week...but NONE of those can truly be accomplished to the full until we break them up into the day sized steps! How in the world do you want your day to go?? Take some quiet time each morning to seek God out for HIS plan for the day and to also write down all that you would like to see happen in the day! Praying over it too is AMAZING what that can do! Each day is such a treasure and can not be wasted if you realized that you could actually change one persons life in one day...or MANY! Think of how many LIVES have been changed in 1 day from September 11th from 1 persons vision how much devastation that caused...think how much IMPACT you could have in 1 day too! But like reverse devastation!;) Understand that YOU are carrying someone's miracle! Remember the verse... without a vision people run wild- Proverbs 29:18... that's exactly how a lot of our days look if we don't have that daily vision reigning us in and keeping us focused on our calling for each day! Let's not waste one opportunity!


Mary Marantz said...

AWESOME post my friend!!

Brittany said...

Love this!! Thanks for the reminder :)

Samantha said...

Wonderful encouraging post! :)

Anonymous said...

wHOA! That is a great post and I really love the message of it. God has been teaching me alot about this and this is like confirmation to some things! love you!! God Bless~