The interns ::: June 2010
Wow. What an was my very last one at the ICON where I lived for 2 years downtown Nashville. So we lived it up. Enjoying every waking moment of the place. It was a jam packed week with shows of course, photoshoots, and crazy dance parties...pretty much the norm around any internship. There were two girls this time and both were very opposite each other but very alike in the same way! We all got along so well and I loved seeing their personalities come out more and more. I think that is my absolute favorite part of the internship: watching the beginning awkwardness of living with complete strangers, to the end being amazing friends and knowing so many quirks about everyone! It’s a blast! To top off the internship we kept the tradition going with a music video..each one seems to get more and more intense as we go! This one was no exception..we did it to the song Airplanes. And let’s just say we took it pretty seriously too.
Airplane craziness. from Sarah Barlow on Vimeo.

Ashley is such a beautiful soul... such a heart for God and a desire to become all that He wants her to be. It was so evident of that even from the time she wrote me to apply. She has such a great attitude for learning, as well, and picked everything up quickly! Both her and Kristin got everything done so fast I was in awe! She is young but has an awesome drive to really move forward in her passion...while still juggling so many things in her life! I seriously don’t know how she does it with a job, school, and starting a biz! I know if she just keeps that persistence up though she will see it accomplished beautifully! I can’t wait to see all that she does and who she becomes...if it’s even a small percent of what I’ve already seen it will blow people away! Check our her blog **HERE**

Kristin, I actually had been talking to for months before the actual internship...trying to figure out the best time for her to come and she made it just in time!! I was SOOOO excited to work with her as I had finally met her a couple months before while out to dinner with some friends and I instantly loved her! I knew she would be a perfect fit for the internship and boy was she. Her spirit is so vibrant and joyful, I love it, and her endurance and strength in all that she’s gone through is baffling to me. The love that she has for people made me want to straighten some things in my life as well! She is so much fun to be around, so I know that she will have customers galore soon and she won’t be able to stop them cause of her infectious spirit! I can’t wait to see her fly! Check out her blog **HERE**
Aw you are all so beautiful!! I'm so happy to see girls who are willing to surrender all to God!! Have a great Sunday!!! :)
Why does this video not surprise me?? Love it guys! <3
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