Vail = Heaven
I'm sure when we all get to heaven it is going to look JUST like Vail...but hopefully maybe a little warmer;) I absolutely LOVE it here! I totally forgot how beautiful Colorado truly is! I'm definitely someday going to own something here! Ahh!
We arrived yesterday afternoon after a super full day of shooting for the AMAZING Volunteers of America...which I will post more about that along with a slideshow later on...but I can say that it was a major life changer! Incredible! :) I can't wait to show pics!
Anyways..we are up here now in Vail in our little cabin at the bottom of a huge mountain...I was asking about avalanches earlier today and apparently they are pretty common around here so I was kinda freaked out a little but I think we are hopefully far enough away! hehe!
We went to the little Vail ski village earlier today to shop and have a nice little lunch it was beautiful! After awhile we went to my favorite little shop now ever, Rimini. It was a little gelato and coffee shop, with THE most unreal hot chocolate in the whole entire world!
I don't think anything you put in your mouth could compare! It was pretty much worth the whole trip! (I think that's the main reason why I want to own a place here;) I got smore gelato too...pure heaven!
Here is a little collage of our group: Me, Amy Nave, Jasmine Star, Jenna Walker, Shyla, Crystal Goss, and Liana!
I LOVE these girls soooo much! They are all so encouraging and each have such different personalities but everyone compliments each other so well! It's perfect!
Love ya Sar, glad you're having fun.
Oli said she loves you and misses you.
Jules said "Wa-wa" which either means she's thirsty or she's asking for you.
Have you ever been to the chocolate place in franklin? I can't remember the name now but we HAVE to go! Imagine anything you want chocolate and they have it or can make it!! We must go soon!
omg! I miss Shy and Aims soooooo much! ugh!
Give them biiig hugs for me!!!
those are amazing pics! the coloring is awesome! :)
love you.
ahhhh you guys are adorable!! hope you're having a blast! by the looks of that hot chocolate I'd say you are!!
I have two words for you: Jeal. Ous.
Ok, I lied, I have more words for you - I am so glad you are having such a great time! I am so excited that you get to go on trips like these!
Love Ya TOO!!
Mmmmm... smore rocked our world 2day, eh??
who needs the skiing when you've got gelato?! nice find Sarah, nice find...
miss u!
Wow, that's so great you're having such a wonderful time!!! I'm excited for you and hope that it just gets better! Bless you!
Sarah! I miss you! Lets do something like that with Beth and Kristen! Ohhhhhhh PLEASE :)
too bad guys don't do these kind of trips because I'd love to do something like this!!! I'm not saying I think guys can't... I just don't see guys flocking together to take trips like this..... It's just shameful, but I'm glad you are having fun and when you get back...... Anne of Green Gables!
Good news, Sarah!!!
If you need new material for a blog post hop over to my site and swipe my video from the photoshoot at the racetrack.. If you hurry you can get it up before my sister. ;-)
The other good news, (depends on how you look at it) is that I've only edited a small part of an hour and a half.
Which means two things:
1) That I still have enough to do at least one more video.
2) That I haven't even gotten to the "good stuff" yet. Haha.
Don't worry I'll run it by you before I make it public. =D
God bless. Cheers!
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