Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Missing dog?

I've been sick in bed the past couple days and today I finally woke up feeling sooo much better! And JUST in time too cause today was one of the most perfect days outside! I got into an extremely artsy mood and started doing a little photoshoot with my family! It was so much fun! I need to get back into the shooting mode again anyways since I have a wedding in Florida this weekend! Here are the completely random shots that we came up with! Enjoy!
PS.This one of Olivia is my favorite for some reason, I guess the story could be that she lost her big giant dog! lol! She posed like that, asked to use the chain and everything! She's definitely one of my favorite models although she informed me today that it's really just too hard to do a photoshoot! haha!!


Joe Barlow, a pastor, 10th of 14 kids, father of 7, husband of one beautiful wife said...

tell'em how you got the mailbox one!

Emily DeWan Photography said...

The missing dog one is great! What a creative little sister you've got; she takes after her big sis'.

Glad you're feeling better in time to enjoy this weather!

Samantha F. said...

Phew, you are one talented cookie, Sarah! I love all of these photographs. The cool thing is that Natalie poses right down to her toes. Your sibs are natural models!

Glad you felt better in time to enjoy the beautiful weather!

Natalie Joy said...

HEHE! Sam actually the one with me pointing my toes...I was trying to keep them off the muddy ground;)
Thats some HOT models you got there sar!;)

Sarah Renée said...

I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better! That first picture is definitely the favorite! :)

J@KE said...

Oli rocks!

I'm gonna sign her for my next fashion show......lol.

Great pics!


Jasmine said...

OMG!! That first picture is ADORABLE!! I love it!

Andrew Barlow said...

ahhh!!! ITS MY SHUZE-DE-BOOZE!!!!! :P miss you all!!! can't wait to see you guys on sunday! ly

Stacy Cross said...

Still waiting to hear about how you got the mailbox one?! These are awesome - you're so artsy! :)

Sarah Barlow said...

Thanks everyone!!! Yeah my sisters are definitely the BEST models ever! :)

The mailbox one I got so excited about because I was trying to get the mailbox but with the sunset in the back, it was so dark though that the mailbox was just a silhouette(sp?). I kept shooting it and all a sudden a car drove past and the headlights lit it up just enough to make the picture!! yeah!! :)

Sarah Renée said...

Aww, I love the new header on your blog, it's so cute! :)

I'm Kristen said...

your sisters seem pretty much awesome - i'm not gonna lie. you have some incredibly gorgeous ladies in your family :D
see them soon...

Samantha F. said...

Cool header, Sarah! Joy looks really happy! ^_^ *contented sigh*

J@KE said...

I'm really thinking I need to meet Samantha F. She has some of the best comments....

Love the "new you"...... Well your header that is.... lol.


Natalie Joy said...

Jake! if your were at our house 2 wednesdays ago which i think i saw a guy named jake with a mohawk then....then you were in the exact same house as her...and I'm surprised u didnt meet her?
hmm...i guess we'll just HAVE to have ANOTHER party;P

Samantha F. said...

Good idea Natalie! Only this time, I'LL wear the mohawk and be the memorable one!


Natalie Joy said...

Heck YES SAM! :) lol